27. The Aftermath of a Dream Night

Start from the beginning

I ignore the prick behind my eyes that comes with hearing Peter's name, huffing angrily as I roll my eyes. "Oh yeah, murder is a hilarious prank."

Blake's eyes flash angrily as he yells over the sound of the rain exasperatedly, "I didn't know what he was doing!"

I jump, involuntarily pressing myself back into the car door.

Blake groans, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

"I'm sorry," he says quietly, "I didn't mean to yell."

Blake fixes his tired gaze on the road and drives silently, turning the speed of the wipers up a notch as the rain continues to intensify.

My heart slowly stops pounding in my ears and I relax a little, resisting the urge to stare at Blake while he works something out in his head. I turn my gaze back to the window and watch the scenery pass by at a surprisingly slow pace. Blake must be driving slowly because of the rain. I slump my shoulders, silently wishing he would speed through the streets so this car ride could be over.

Blake clears his throat. I keep my eyes trained outside.

"I know I already said some of this at the park but I feel like I owe you more of an apology."

I roll my eyes, feeling his gaze bore into the back of my head but I stay silent, watching a pair of raindrops race down the window.

"I don't have any excuses for how I've treated you in the past but I'm trying to be a better person now. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done to hurt you and Rosemary. It was wrong."

I let out an annoyed sigh, my breath fogging on the window. "I already forgave you, Blake."

Blake swallows, "Sorry. I guess...Can you just tell Rosemary that I'm sorry too?"

I laugh suddenly. "I'm pretty sure she already knows you're at least sorry about the brownie thing. I told her about you punching Brandon," I turn to face him, crooking an eyebrow for emphasis, "repeatedly."

Blake smirks, some of the tension easing. "Yeah, well, he deserved worse."

I snort in agreement, earning a chuckle from Blake as we take a left.

Light from the street lamps flashes through the car, illuminating everything for a couple seconds at a time.

I scan Blake curiously, struck by the sudden realization that I'm in the car of my former bully. Eyes that normally annoy me now appear softer in the yellow light, framed by long, dark lashes that boys always seem to be unfairly blessed with. His hair is just starting to grow long enough to touch his forehead, the dark-brown locks forming waves that are a lot more attractive than the buzz cut he used to have.

I tear my gaze away after a few seconds, not wanting Blake to catch me staring. My brain reverts to flashbacks of tonight's events, Brandon's smirk lingering in my mind. I scrunch my eyes together tightly and wish the memories away. I don't want to think about it; I don't want to cry any more. And I definitely don't want to cry in front of Blake.

A stray thought pushes through to the front of my brain, making my eyebrows furrow. Did Blake know? My brain whirs like a computer about to overheat, questions flying through my mind. I think back to all the times that I'd caught him glaring at Peter, a lump forming in my throat.

"Stop the car," I croak.

Blake tosses a concerned glance my way before turning back to watch the road. "What?"

"Stop the car!" I shout, glaring at him angrily.

Blake looks confused but he pulls over, squinting at me warily.

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