24. Sleep is Important

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Rosie's P.O.V

Turns out I rely on electronics a lot more than I thought I did. I found myself itching to look at my phone all day yesterday. When I realized I couldn't distract myself with Netflix like I normally do, I knew it was going to be a looong day.

I woke up this morning relieved that it was finally Wednesday and rushed down the stairs to beg mom for my phone - she'd taken it away after my call with Elle last night and said I should know what "grounded" means. She rolled her eyes and handed it over with an amused smile tugging at the corners of her lips. I turned it on and beamed when I saw I had three texts from Theo.

After squeezing my mom in a quick one-armed hug, I skipped upstairs to the privacy of my room.

Currently, I'm sitting in my bean bag chair with a stupid grin on my face as I read Theo's messages.

Theo: Hey :) Just letting you know we got the grade for our science project back today and we got an A!

Theo: We make a great team lol

The last message was sent right at the time that the school day ends.

Theo: So, how's your day going?

I hurry to send a text to him, hoping he'll be looking at his phone since he should be at lunch right now.

Rosie: Hey, sorry. I didn't have my phone yesterday.

I bite my lip, debating whether or not I should explain that I was grounded. I decide that would be embarrassing and quickly move on.

Rosie: That's awesome that we got an A! :)

I stare at my phone for two minutes, anxiously waiting for Theo to reply. Part of me is worried he's mad because he might have thought I was ignoring him yesterday. My anxious thoughts are wiped away when Theo finally responds.

Theo: Oh, no problem :)

Theo: It is awesome - but I didn't doubt our hard work so it wasn't a surprise either :D

I chuckle. Theo is definitely a nerd.

Rosie: Lol yeah

The conversation tapers off after a few more texts when Theo has to return to his classes.

My stomach growls and I realize I haven't eaten breakfast yet...well, lunch technically but whatever. I head downstairs to the kitchen and open the fridge to dig out the ingredients for a sandwich.

I grab a knife and a cutting board to cut some summer sausage and three minutes later, my mom is gasping behind me as blood trickles down my hand.

"Rosemary!" Mom scolds, running to look at the cut on my finger with an expression that tells me she basically thinks I just cut my finger off.

She yanks me over to the sink to run cold water over the cut, commanding me to stay where I am before she runs off to find first aid supplies.

I roll my eyes and pray she doesn't come back with some sort of suturing kit. I inspect my finger and find a very minor wound that should be taken care of with a simple band-aid.

Mom storms into the kitchen with rubbing alcohol, antibiotic ointment, band-aids, gauze, and medical tape. I widen my eyes and shoot her an annoyed glare.

"Are you serious, mom?" I hold up my finger and shake my hand emphatically. "It's a very shallow cut."

Mom ignores my remark and starts preparing to perform surgery.

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