27. The Aftermath of a Dream Night

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Elle's P.O.V

I burst out into the cool night, relieved to find there's no one out here to see me cry. The cold breeze stings my eyes; the tears on my face feel frozen. I walk over to the light of the street lamp a few yards away.

With trembling hands, I tear Rosie's silver clutch open and search for my phone so I can ask her to come get me before I remember that I left it at home this morning. I can't hold the sobs back any longer and they rack my body, stealing my breath for several moments at a time. Snot pours out of my nose and I wipe it away angrily with the back of my hand.

I yank off my heels and start walking through the parking lot, tears blurring my vision. My brain goes into overdrive as everything hits me and I put the clues together too late. All the times I saw Peter talking with Brandon, Peter claiming to have a science project with him when they probably didn't even share a class, Brandon hanging out by Peter's truck - all the signs that I missed because I was stupid enough to believe that Peter actually cared about me.

My knees feel weak and I stumble, dragging myself over to a bench at the side of the parking lot, right next to the football field. I cry in the dark, sobs taking over my body again as I try not to think about all the moments Peter kissed me. All the compliments he gave me; they were all lies. He and Brandon had been laughing at me the whole time. I can't believe I let myself fall for it. How stupid am I?

I lift my head when I hear an engine approaching, surprised to see a black mustang pull up in front of me. I sniffle, wiping my nose again. The passenger window rolls down and I peer into the car to see who it is.

Blake Noir stares at me, a concerned expression on his face. "Do you need a ride?"

I glare at him, frustrated that the universe chose to send me Blake instead of someone I actually like. "No," I snap, "I'm fine."

Blake rolls his eyes, "You don't look fine."

I huff angrily, about to take some of my frustration out on him when I hear the gym doors slam open in the distance. I stand up automatically, ready to dart. A figure runs out, stopping underneath the street lamp as he scans the parking lot. A strangled sound rises in my throat as I realize it's Peter. I run to Blake's car and open the passenger door.

"Fine," I snap, sliding in. "Thank you."

Blake nods, a small smile tugging at his lips as he puts the car in gear.

"Where to?"

I hesitate, trying to decide which address to give him. I don't want him to know where I live but I really don't feel like explaining everything to Rosie right now. And if I go to her house, her parents will be there and they might see me and then I have to deal with their concern too and I just can't handle that right now. I'm also pretty sure Rosie doesn't want Blake to know where she lives either...

I cross my arms and mutter my address reluctantly, turning to stare out the window.

We ride in silence for a few minutes before Blake asks if I'm okay.

"I'm fine," I reply automatically, currently numb and worried about the possibility of Peter showing up behind us.

Blake clears his throat, "I'm sorry."

I turn to look at him, crossing my arms in irritation. "Are you trying to apologize again for years of bullying and you almost killing my best friend? Because now is really not the time!"

Blake bristles defensively. "I didn't know Brandon was going to switch Rosemary's brownie with his, he just asked me to distract you and Peter so he could prank her."

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