"OUR DAD IS DEAD!" His power starts flickering the lights, Estebans face on the TV screen.

"WHY?" Daniel yells, the tears in his eyes freely streaming down his face.

Sean raises his arms and steps forward, causing me to do the same.

" It was an accident! A cop fucked up and shot him! That's it." Sean eyes start to gloss over.

"It was a misunderstanding!" I stood beside Sean.

Daniel looks at both of us.

"No! No! IT'S NOT TRUE!"

"We're so sorry Daniel..." I look him dead in the eyes.

Daniel softens for a moment, until the TV makes a noise and replenishes his anger.

"Why?" He stutters.

"Why Did You Lie To Me?!" I look at Sean and gulp.

" I was scared, Daniel... I-We didn't know what to say..." He nods to reassure me and takes another step forward, I do the same.

"You... You should've told me!" Daniel roars.

"We couldn't believe it either! We didn't mean to!".

Daniel sniffles.
"It's not fair..."

Sean senses an opportunity and takes another step forward.
"Hey! Come on... I'm here. It's okay..."

"No it's not!" Daniel's energy is depleting fast, he can't stay like this much longer.

Sean reaches and hugs Daniel, making him yell 'Don't touch me!' Something I couldn't imagine Ian saying to me. Hearing Daniel say it broke my heart. I walk up to them and join in on their hug.

"Please. Daniel." I sigh. He starts to squirm causing Sean to "Shh" him.

Suddenly everything falls to the ground, and Daniel starts sobbing. He clutched Sean's shirt  tightly.

"I want Dad." Sean's tears started flowing.

"Me too."

The lights stopped flickering after Daniel backed up from our grasp.

"You told me we were gonna see Dad."

Shit, I hate that we told him that.

I put my arms around Daniel, making me shed a few silent tears. I hold him at arms length.

"I'm sorry Daniel." He firmly looks at both me and Sean.

"Just don't lie to me ever again." I look at Sean.

"We promise."

"I'm serious." His face is all hard and twisted, I would laugh if I didn't feel like shit.

Sean clears his throat.

"We are too Daniel."   We all share one last group hug before all yawning collectively. I look at Sean.

Escapism (Sean x reader) Where stories live. Discover now