Chapter 26

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AN: Two chapters in under 3 weeks? What? Who am I and what have I done with Biunicornbrittany 

"The last time I said goodbye to a boyfriend, I was saying goodbye for good," Kara mused as she and Oliver walked through a grassy field not far outside of National City.

"You're not going to lose me," Oliver promised, squeezing her hand.

"Aw! Cute!!" Thea screeched.

"Why do you have to screech?" Roy said as he winced. She had screeched right in his ear.

"I know," Kara smiled, reaching up to kiss him.

Oliver kissed her back, smiling and resting his forehead against hers. The rest of the Earth-1 visitors had returned to their universe the previous day, allowing Oliver and Kara to have a day to themselves. All of them had agreed the couple deserved that before Oliver had to return to his universe and get back to his duties as mayor in Star City.

"I agree with Thea. Cute," Alex said, while Kara blushed and hid her head in Oliver's shoulder.

That didn't mean the two had to like it. On the contrary – they absolutely hated the idea of having to be three dozen Earths apart. But they both had extrapolators now, fine-tuned to each other's as well so they could hop right to where the other extrapolator was if need be. Cisco really was a genius.

"I don't want you to go," Kara admitted quietly.

"I don't want to, either," Oliver smiled sadly, brushing her hair away from her face. "But I promise, as soon as I get the time, I'm coming back."

"Not if I come to you first," Kara couldn't help but smile.

"God, the sheer fake arguing about who would go to whose earth every time, was cute yet also annoying," Malcolm said.

"You're on, angel," Oliver chuckled, kissing her forehead.

Kara closed her eyes, enjoying just being there alone with Oliver, the grass rustling around them, and she made the choice she had been debating since they had arrived. She reached to her neck and removed the chain she wore. "Take this," she whispered, pressing it into his hand.

"What is it with you and giving boyfriends valuable kryptonian jewelry?" Alex asked.

"Shut up Alex," Kara said.

Oliver's eyes widened, looking down at the ring she had given him. "Kara," he began.

"No," Kara shook her head. "You helped save me from every bad thing that could have happened. My life, my identity as Supergirl, my life at CatCo, my family . . . all of it could have been destroyed. Please, Oliver . . . if anyone deserves this, it's you." Oliver swallowed, then nodded, placing the chain and ring around his own neck, Kara smiling softly as he put it on. "We'll come back to each other. We always will."

"Okay, pretty good reason, I will admit," Alex said.

Oliver could only nod in silent agreement, then reached into his jacket. "Now I'm glad I decided to make this."

Kara blinked as he took a black leather cord from his pocket, and she gasped when she saw it was one of his green arrowheads converted into a pendant. "Oliver!"

"Slade and Malcolm might have helped," he told her as she picked it up, eyes wide. "We're not leaving each other completely."

"Of course we helped. We're awesome," Slade said.

"Not now Slade," Black Siren said.

Kara smiled brightly, placing the cord around her neck, happy to have a weight of some kind where her father's ring used to be. "Never," she agreed.

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