Chapter 14

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AN:hello here's the next chapter

Couch: Oliver Kara Sara

Loveseat:Roy Thea

Couch: William Ruby Samantha felicity

Couch: Alex Lena sam

Couch: slade Dark archer black siren

Loveseat: Zari Laurel Malcolm

Couch: Rene Curtis Dinah

Arm chairs:John and Quentin (are in separate ones)

Couch:Cisco caitlyn wally

Couch:Harry Joe Cecile

Loveseat: Barry Iris

Couch:J'onn Winn James

Couch: Clark Nyssa

One by one people started waking up and heading to get breakfast.

As Kara saw Oliver she grabbed him and pulled him into a room and said "hey, um, well, we kissed last night, and I started it but I don't know if that was the best idea I've ever had, because I just lost someone, but I really like you and I'm just really confused about this."

"We don't have to date right away, we can take it slow if you want," Oliver said.

"And I know that despite what you feel for me, you would do that, and I don't want you to have wait for an answer, but, ugh! This is so frustrating," Kara said.

"Yeah, it is, it is really frustrating, and I will wait until you decide, no matter what you decide to do," Oliver said.

"I want to be happy, not just constantly drowned in grief like I have been, and you make me happy, so, I think I want this to happen," Kara said.

Oliver then cut off all conversation by kissing Kara, who quickly responded.

A few seconds later they broke away and headed to breakfast holding hands.

Everyone ate breakfast and headed back into the viewing room.

If anyone at the D.E.O. suspected Slade and Malcolm were up to something the same night, they never said anything.

"Thank you for taking care of the city," Kara said.

"Well we're not really," Dark Archer said.

"No cadmus would be attacking aliens in the city, so, you are," Kara said.

"Oliver, Kara, are you guys holding hands," Thea said excited.

"Yes we are you win, we're dating," Kara said.

While Thea was celebrating Laurel and Malcolm looked at each other and Laurel whispered "Every timeline huh."

"And every earth, we proved this with Earth-X," Malcolm whispered.

"Yeah we did, didn't we," Laurel whispered.

If anyone were to confront them about leaving to find Cadmus agents on purpose just to get a "head start," they would deny it with a straight face.

But if anyone found any agents that actually were dead . . . well, Nyssa also used arrows and swords. As long as Malcolm recovered the black arrows that marked them as his, they could put the blame on her.

"That is ridiculous, I'm a much better shot than you, they would be able to tell," Nyssa said.

"Really, want to bet," Dark Archer said.

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