Chapter 3

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Alex's POV

After being out with my friends all day shopping, I feel relaxed. I'm excited to wear these new outfits to work this upcoming week! I finally decide to check my phone as I'm hanging up my new wardrobe, and what do you know, Stranger Danger texted me.

Stranger Danger: Ok ok, I know why you're cautious, but I REALLY can't tell you who I am.

Stranger Danger: But I'm not a pervert!! Pinky promise~

Stranger Danger: I was a victim to drunk texting the wrong number 😭

I giggle to myself. I decide to keep the charade going because it's quite entertaining, the girls are going to die when they hear about this tomorrow.

Alex: Oh, so you were drunk?

Stranger Danger: Yes 😬 Today is my first day off in a long time so my hyungs and I went out to have fun last night!

Alex: First day off in a long time? You must have an intense job.

Stranger Danger: Yeaaaaah, just a little bit. There's a lot of people who count on me.

Alex: What do you do?

Stranger Danger: Well.... you can say I work in the music industry! What do you do?!

Alex: I specialize in Marketing.

Stranger Danger: Ooooo do you like it?!

Alex: I do actually. I enjoy marketing for our businesses and helping any way I can to help them become successful ☺️

Stranger Danger: WOW! You sound like a really good person.

Alex: Aw, thanks Stranger! I hope so. 💛

Stranger Danger: ☺️ Ok, since you won't tell me your name, can we play 20 questions??

Alex: Hahaha! Sure? As long as the questions don't include "What is your name?", "What is your address?", "Can you send me pics?" we'll be good. 😂

Stranger Danger: I told you I'm not a pervert!!!

Stranger Danger: Ok, are you a boy or a girl?

Alex: Hahaha! I'm a girl. How old are you?

Stranger Danger: I'm 22, how old are YOU? 🤗

Alex: I'm 22 too!! What color is your eyes? Mine are blue. (I'm going to go ahead and answer my own questions so you don't have to waste your question asking me 😉)

Stranger Danger: We're the same age!! And ooooo what a good idea! Mine are brown. What color is your hair? (Mine changes, but USUALLY, it's black)

Alex: I just dyed mine back my natural color, brown. Why does yours change all of the time?

Stranger Danger: Hmmmm, it's required due to my job.

Alex: That's odd. Are you a performer?

Stranger Danger: Can't answer that, sorry!! 🤫 What do you like to do in your free time?

Alex: I love to read, art, but I don't have a lot of free time due to my career.

Stranger Danger: You're the same as me 😖 Work keeps me extremely busy too!

Alex: Random question, what colors HAVE your hair been? I'm too curious now.

Stranger Danger: 😂😂 A LOT of different colors. But usually, they let me stick to natural colors. My hyungs are the ones that dye their hair wild colors.

Alex: Are your hyungs your co-workers?

Stranger Danger: Yes!! But they're more like brothers.

Alex: How many hyungs are there?

Stranger Danger: There are 6!

Alex: Holy hell, that's a lot.

Stranger Danger: It is but we get along really well!!

Alex: That's really good!! Well, I need to get some sleep because I have work in the morning.

Stranger Danger: Ok!! Sweet dreams 🌙

Alex: Thank you, goodnight.


This is slow moving, but I promise, it'll start picking up soon. They have to get to know each other before they just jump right into it 😏

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