"What an unexpected surprise, niece," Tyrion sarcastically greeted Annalys as she entered his cell.

"The Mountain is dead," Annalys suddenly said, causing Tyrion's eyes to widen in shock, "And before you ask how, I killed him myself," She paused, leaving Tyrion speechless, "Meryn Trant has been named the person fighting against your champion. I'd like to be the person fighting against him."

"You want me to name you my champion?" Tyrion questioned Annalys in disbelief, only to watch as she nodded her head, "You know I can't do that, Annalys."

"You told me when I arrived that you once named Jaime your champion for a trial by combat at the Eyrie, Uncle," Annalys snapped at Tyrion in a stern tone, "You said people shuddered in fear when you named him. Don't you want to do the same by naming me?" She asked Tyrion, who realized that Annalys would named the best swordman just a few months before, "Name me your champion and I promise you, both of us will get out of this alive. Don't, and you'll die."

Tyrion looked up at Annalys, hesitant to agree. He knew Annalys was perfectly capable of winning, but what if she didn't? It wasn't that he was worried about himself, he was worried about what would happen to her. She'd die and it would be all his fault. He didn't want that to happen, but he also knew there was no way Annalys would take no for an answer, "Fine," He hesitantly spoke up, nodding his head, "I'll name you my champion."

Annalys sighed in relief, smiling down at Tyrion, "You must leave after the trial, Uncle," She reminded him, "Jaime and I won't be able to protect you forever."

Tyrion looked saddened by Annalys' statement. She was right. Jaime and Annalys had always been the ones to protect him against their family. However, they wouldn't be able to do it forever and it also wasn't fair to them.


The following day, Annalys sat in the chamber of the hand with Tywin as he conversed with her.

"When will your wedding with Loras Tyrell take place in your mind?" Tywin questioned Annalys curiously, breaking the silence between the two of them in the large room, "In a month? Two?"

"Two sounds reasonable," Annalys replied, nodding her head at the suggestion.

Tywin was silent for a long moment, noticing the look on his granddaughter's face. For the first time since they arranged the marriage, Annalys genuinely looked unhappy about the marrying Loras, "I know you don't like them. I didn't like your husband. If I had been in charge of who you would marry, Robb Stark would have been the last one on the list." He explained, scoffing in disgust of the fact that Robert Baratheon had arranged it, "A Lion and a Wolf. How did Robert Baratheon ever think that could work?" He complained and turned to Annalys, who listened to him closely and tensed up at the fact that he believed she and Robb's marriage was bound to end horribly, "I didn't like him either."

Annalys smiled softly, realizing that Tywin meant Robert Baratheon, "I suppose we had in common," She replied and by the look on Tywin's face, Annalys knew he was getting ready to change the subject to something he wanted to teach her that day.

  The past few months since Joffrey's death had always been the same. She'd wake up, have breakfast and then head to Tywin's chambers. He spent an hour or two teaching her some sort of thing that would help in the future while ruling Casterly Rock. He enjoyed giving her life lessons, she seemed to be only one who actually listened and asked him questions about what he said. She was the only who seemed to truly be interested in what he had to say.

They spend a few hours with lessons before Tywin was forced to leave to do his duties as Hand of the King. Annalys would then head out with Jaime to spar as they always did. That would take a few more hours out of her day.

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