"How bout I go with you and we'll just be nervous together."

"That'll work to." I got out going over to Toni's side opening the door. We walked up to the porch holding hands tightly.


"Janet baby it's so good to see you, I missed you." She hugged me rocking me side to side.

"I missed you too momma." She kissed my cheek pulling away

"Now who's this pretty girl, you look familiar. Are you one of her dancers?"

"Yes ma—." Toni was really getting ready to lie.

"No she's not, she's the girl I've been telling you about over the phone. Remember when we were in Indiana and the house across from us with the flowers and the line of girls?"

"I think so."

"Well this is one of them, the oldest one. She was the little girl that use to sing all the time while helping her mom water the flowers."

"Oh my, you've grown to be such a lovely young woman."

"Thank you Ms.Jackson."

"Please call me Katherine, y'all two have a seat. Janet honey I've seen one of your shows, I'm very proud of you, tho I have one critique."

"Which is?"

"Do you have climb in those men like that, if I didn't know any better I'd think you was spider woman the way you get up there." Toni found it amusing.

"She does have a point J, your short the way you just hop up there is as if you climbed trees for a living."

"Excuse me Michele I'm 2 inches taller that you, so therefore I'm tall."

"Than me yea." My momma laughed at us.

"I like you, come to the kitchen with me I have a few questions to ask." I sat back resting my feet on the table just to stir my mom up.

"Damita If you don't get your feet off my coffee table." I just smiled, I missed her honestly. She was my home away from home, seeing her brings back the old memories of when we were all together as a family. I missed those days, but these days are even better.


I say down at the table across from her. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

"So your name Michele?"

"No ma'am it's Toni, my middle name is Michele."

"Mhm. How you met my daughter."

"She was a guest speaker at my school."

"How old are you?"

"I'll be 21 in a few days."

"Sorta young aren't you."

"Yes ma'am."

" You after her money?"

"No ma'am not at all." She looked at me the same way Janet did when she thought I was up to something or acting suspicious.

"What's your status with her?"

"Well I would say we're in a relationship. I love her, and she means a lot to me. It has nothing to do with her being a celebrity, from what she's told me it doesn't matter. I mean I know what problems may come but I'm ready. I really care about her Ms. Katherine." She just smiled at me getting out her chair and hugged me.

"Welcome to the clan Toni." I smiled ten times harder.

"Thank you." We went back to see Janet on the floor with her dog, fluffy.

"Ma why you ain't tell me he was here."

"I forgot."  They disappeared out back. I took a look at there family photos, one where Janet was in kindergarten.  Boy her knees was ashy, but she was adorable.  I looked at the picture on the grand Piano and honestly I couldn't help myself I say down and started to play.

"I heard from a friend today and she said you were in town, suddenly the memories came unto me in my mind, how can I be strong I've asked myself time and time I've said, that I'll never fall in love with you again..."

"Who knew you could play."

"That was lovely Toni."

"Thank you."

We stayed a little longer, Ms.Katherine was s character and Janet was a bad ass kid. Listening to her tell stories and then to go back and forth reminded me of what my family use to be like. Hopefully one day we could get to that but right now just isn't the time.

"Well momma I hate to run but I wanna take Toni out tonight, I got some things to cover."

"Don't hide out to long, I plan on moving in here and don't keep her hidden either. It was a pleasure meeting you Toni."

"It was an honor meeting you Ms.Katherine." I hugged her and we said our goodbyes.

"So was it bad?"

"No your mother is one of a kind, you took up after her."

"Yes indeed." We went back home for a little while until Janet told to get ready again. I wonder why all of a sudden we're going on a date, What is it that she's up to?

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