Take care

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Excuse any mistakes


"Are you fucking serious!" It was now just me and Janet and this heffa here bout to get popped in the damn face.

"Look at how she treats him, neither one of them really cares, he'll he's always over here."

"Toni you're over stepping your boundary."


"Because it's not your place, that's their child not yours."

"It's my nephew."

"Toni that mean nothing, look maybe you'd hound stay in your place with this one."

"Excuse me?"

"Ian stutter stay in your place. What they do over there is dey business what we do over here is our business. That situation over yonder doesn't have Toni name in so why even put yourself in that situation." I just looked at her.

"Alright, I won't. But I will say this, if the tables was turned what would you do?" I walked away from her grabbing my keys and bag.

"Where you going Tone, you seriously can't be mad."

"I'm not mad and going to get a drink."

"You could get a drink here."

"I don't want one from here, I'll be back when I be back. Don't wait up for me." I left going to the bar right down the street.

"What can I get for you pretty lady?"

"Virgin Island, stirred."

"I'll pay for that." I looked up and there was pop.

"I'm starting to think you're a stalker."

"No look T we never got to talk."

"Talk about me being your trophy yea."

"Toni you weren't just my trophy, you were my heart and soul. The one I wanted a family with, to be with forever. I just treated you so badly, I was so insecure I didn't want anyone to look at you. I felt that you were to good for me, to good to me. I didn't deserve you and all and I still don't. Toni I'm sorry for hurting you I'm
Sorry for causing you pain. Me getting back at you did nothing but make my life worse. Trina, I can't stand her. She's trifling, a bad attitude. The only reason I got with her was to not only get back at you but she reminded me of you. Toni I want you to do me a favor."

"Yes Sharod."

"Take care. Take care of yourself my love. Take care of my son. I don't care what Trina says he's better off with you. See how she's treats him. She hates every time this little dude mentions your name. She hates you and takes it out on him.  He doesn't deserve that and I'm no better myself. I wanna be apart of his life, I want him to have a better life and right now I can't give it to him until I better myself for him. I wanna be apart of Amira's life if you want me to, Toni I wanna be apart of yours as well."

I drunk my drink not even regretting what I was about to do.

"Pop." I grabbed him by his chin kissing him. We got up grabbing our drinks and going to the back. I sat on his lap as the make out session continued.

Think Toni, Think. What are you doing.

"Mhh pop."

"Toni wait, you're with Janet. This shouldn't be happening."

"You're right, I'm sorry." We looked at each other as I proceeded to get off of him.

"Just one more for the road."  I kissed him again before finishing my drink.

"I should be heading home."

"Yea me too, I'll be by tomorrow to discuss the arrangements for Amari."

"Ok, get home safe."

"I will beautiful. Text me and let me know you're in."

"Ok." I went back home seeing Janet sleeping  on the couch.

"Babe, Babe." I shook her and she woke up.

"Toni are you ok? I was so worried, you didn't answer my calls, my texts."

"I'm ok baby, I promise. Let's get you into bed, I know you're tired."

"Tone why you smell like cologne?"

"I bumped into this guy at the bar."

"Ok. Go shower and come to bed."

"I will baby, stay up just for me."

"Just for you." I went in the bathroom shooting pop a text letting him know I was home safely. I took a quick shower going back out to Janet seeing her fast asleep.

"My tired baby, goodnight I love you." I kissed her cheek holding close to her as immediate guilt began to hit me.


"Ouuu Janet girl girl." Gil called me early in the morning while Toni was outside in the pool. She's been up all night didn't get no sleep, I wonder what's wrong with her.

"What's wrong."

"Check TMZ Chile." I didn't understand but I did it anyways.

"Toni Braxton y'all know her?"

"No but man she looks good."

"She's the estranged wife of Janet Jackson."

"Hold on! When did Janet go gay?"

"Yea, wasn't she just with Jermaine Dupri."

"Where is that guy anyway?"

"Man we don't know and don't care."

"Ok so what's going on with Braxton."

"She was spotted out last night at a local bar and this is what we have."

There was a video of her in the back corner with some guy—- wait it's pop. How could she, how could she hurt me like this. Telling me she bumped into a guy last night I should've known she was lying.

I hung up on Gil going outside, seeing her cry.

"Janet I'm so sorry, and I can't say it was because I was drunk because I wasn't. I knew exactly what I was doing. He was the one to remind me that I was with you and even then I didn't think anything of it. I'm sorry ok, if you leave me this time I'll truly understand.

"Toni." She had fully broken down . She hurt so much and honestly I wasn't even upset anymore.

"Come here, Toni." I pulled her into me holding her tightly.

"Stop crying baby. I know you're sorry I forgive you, we need counseling baby and we're gonna get some to become better for each other and I'll child. I love you and that'll never change."

"I love you."

"Come inside, I got breakfast on for us."



"He's coming by today."


"To give us his son."

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