Us again?

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I sat in the interrogation room talking to the officer.

"Is it correct that he was in your home."

"Yes but unknowingly, a female was with him."

"That female being someone you didn't know?"

"No sir. I left the house with my daughter around 10 he wasn't there when I left. I didn't know he was coming. I dropped my daughter to my sister going to Mrs. Jackson house for a personal matter."

"The bruises?"

"Mr. Burroughs and I had a very toxic relationship in the couple of months being together. He's very handsy, aggressive, sorta violent at times."

"Times. No offense Mrs. Jackson as pretty as you are if he would've keep hitting on you you'd lose that prettiness."

"Yea. Just please don't arrest Mrs. Jackson, she was only protecting me. I'm her wife."

"Oh my.. we'll have her out as soon as the 2,000 is paid." I cut him off placing the money on the table.

"Paid, let her go. I also wanna place a restraining order on Mr. Burroughs and domestic violence charges."

"We can most definitely work that out Mrs. Jackson. I'm sorry about the misunderstanding."

"It's fine, can I go to my wife now?"

"Yes right this way." They walked me down to where she was and I held my hand out for her.

"Let's get out of here."

"Let's." She took my hand as we left getting into my vehicle the car ride was silent all the way home.

Getting inside the house we stared at each other like a Mexican stand off. First her jacket came off then mines.



"I never meant to hurt you, you do know that right."

"Janet, let's not go into this right now."

"If not now then when! Toni I miss you like crazy, I know what I did was not right. I know this I can admit I was wrong, I can admit that the hurt I caused you it shouldn't have happened. I admit that I did cheat for a stupid ass reason. I was a jackass, I thought I had you wrapped around my finger. That I could do no wrong in your eyes. No I wasn't gone tell you at first, no I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you because I was feeling guilty of what I've done. No you're not suppose to go through this, I shouldn't have put you in this position. Remember when we said I do? For better of worse right? Toni I'll do anything to fix this, it killed me seeing you at the beach with him y'all holding on to Amira like y'all was a family. It hurt because it's suppose to us, I'll go to counseling whatever you need baby just don't let go. Don't give up on me, I need you, I love you."  She walked up to me as I back.

"Janet go on somewhere."

"Toni don't be like that, come here." Reluctantly I gave in, allowing her to pull me into her arms.

She kissed my forehead, my cheek, and hesitated kissing my lips so I made it easy for her. I gave her a small peck.

"Janet you had no reason to step out on me when you could've just talked to me. I would've never stepped on you. It hurts that you didn't get to know me, what I was doing. It hurt to know that you didn't come to me or cared to know. You waited to late to tell me you were proud of me, waited to late to show your concern. You'd had rather have sex with someone than to be with me and support me. I don't understand am I not good enough, I mean I was working on being that or trying to be. Better myself for my child, for you and you didn't see it or cared."

"I know baby, I'm sorry, I'm sooo sorry. Listen to me all that's over. Have my phone look all through it, track me I don't care. Just know that it will not happen again. I love you and I owe you everything, because you're more than good enough for me, you're all I need and more baby. Please one more try, please Toni." If I gave Sharod a try maybe I could give her one.

"Last one Janet, i mean your very last one."

"Toni promise—."

"Aht Aht don't promise just show me. Now I'm gonna go get cleaned up and finish my work at the house. I'll see you later."

"No please don't go. Could you stay, just for tonight?"

"I don't have—-."

"I didn't get rid of your stuff."


"Come on, I got a hot bath waiting for you along with your favorite wine."

"You just knew I wasn't coming back huh?"

"No, I sent Jr. a text while I was at your house to do that for me, for you."

"So what was going on?"

"I went to his house first he wasn't there so I tried your next he was in the house with some brown skinned girl, in a way she sorta looked like you."

"What do you mean looked like me?" Janet met everybody when they was younger  except Trina, she never seen them when they were older only Tamar because Tamar keeps Amira for me. So for her to say that caused me to question. Tamar wouldn't do that, Towanda wouldn't either,  Traci goes with Kevin and Trina's somewhere.

"I mean looked like you, like she could be your sister or something."

"Hold that thought." I called Tamar almost asap.

"Estine, is Trina back?"

"From what I heard she is."

"I think Janet seen her."

"What you mean? Janet never met Trina at least I don't recall."

"Tamar, I think Trina was caught having sex with pop in my home."

"My god. Tone I'm coming over right now, stay woke we have some conversations to conduct. I'll bring your baby back too, I'm bout tired of her mouth."

"You made her that way, turning my baby into a mini you."

"Oh hush it, I'll be there in 30."

"Alright drive safe with my baby."

"Of course, she's my baby too."

"I'm not saying it was her—."

"Time you said she looked like me that's all I needed to know, trina's the only one who really look like me, you haven't met her."

"Toni still I wasn't sure."

"Janet tell me something what all happened, what all did you see?"

"I walked in they were ok your couched he was in dey. He thought I was there for Amira but I wasn't me and the girl shared a few words but it was how she looked at me that said something. I held my gun at him then her. Before walking out she looked at a picture of you and me then went out. Me and him get in to it and tore up your house a little bit but yea."

"That was her, let me as your this. Did she talk like she was Canadian?"

"Yea was adding extra syllables to words and stuff."

"Mhm, wait til Tamar gets here."

"Well until she does. Come here, ima help you relax." She picked me up carrying me upstairs to her bathroom.


"I can't let go of you and I won't. I love you."

"Do you love me? Are you in love with me as you were before?"

"I do love you Janet, but now I have to fall in love with you all over again...."

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