Chapter 2: My Life.

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(In Danielle's POV)

I had a pretty decent life. I lived with my mom and dad, we were so happy. That day my mom came home with the big news was the greatest day of my life. I was getting a sibling!

On our way to the store to buy baby materials and stuff, we had a incident with the car. Well, it wasn't our fault. It was a tractor trailer. It cut us off and pushed us into a river. Somehow, me and my dad made it out safely, but my mom didn't get out. She had died on impact.

Or at least, that was what the cops told us. Later on we had a funeral, and it was the saddest day of our lives. We went home, and my once bubbly and sweet father turned cold. He locked himself away in his bedroom.

Some year passed...

Everyday he would bring different females. I knew what they were doing, but I never said anything. He also became addicted to alcohol. The day he physically harmed me, was the day I knew I had to leave. So, I ran away.

I was 16 at the time and looking for a place to live. I sat on the side of the road most my life, hoping someone would have the decency to stop and take me in. I only see this stuff on movies though. This is reality.

(Changed POV's)

"Aye, you need help?" A voice called out breaking her trance. She looked up and watched as a male her age walked towards her from his car, a worried expression written on his face. "" was the last thing she said before she collapsed.

When she woke up, she was in a entirely different room. It wasn't her normal bluish purple room. It was a baby blue colored room. "You're awake?" A voice called out, a person walking into the room. It was the same guy who saved her.

"T-Thank you so much." She whispered, looking down in shame. She felt bad he went through all this trouble just to save her. He smiled. "Hey, don't worry about it." He sat beside her and sat a bowl of spaghetti in front of her. "What's your name?"

"Danielle... but you can call me Dani." She said in a soft tone, looking at the spaghetti. He was feeding her? "That's a beautiful name. It suits you. I'm Jackson." He reached out to shake her hand, which she hesitated to take but did.

"How'd you end up, you know, where you was?" He asked. She shrugged and looked away, tears stinging her eyes. "My mother passed some years back, and my father became a cruel man. He had physically harmed me yesterday... so I ran when he passed out." She explain.

His eyes showed pity and care. "Well, for the time being you're staying here." He said. She blinked. "Huh?" He smirked. "Well you're sure as hell not going back. I insist." He said with a smile. She blushed and looked down. "Thank you so much..." She mumbled.

"No problem beautiful..." He smiled and walked out the door. She blushed, and that's when it all began.

They went out on dates, talked about deep personal things and acted as if a couple. She had fallen for him. He was just so... sweet.

Until that one day...

Jackson had taken her out to a beautiful field. They say under the stars and had a picnic. "This is lovely Jackson, thank you so much..." Danielle smiled. He smiled back. "Anything for you gorgeous..." They both blushed and looked away, as they let a awkward yet comfortable silence pour between them.

All of a sudden Jackson cleared his throat. "D-Dani. Uh, I have a request." He said. She tilted her head questioningly, asking him what it was. "Please. Close your eyes." And so she did. Because she trusted him. It was 10 seconds on her eyes being closed, when suddenly she felt a pair of lips on hers.

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