"See what I mean, dude? Progress!"

Namjoon smiles at the enthusiasm. "He was probably just too tired to deal with me."

It sounds like Jungkook is about to protest but he ends up stopping himself. Then Namjoon hears a small voice cackling as something crashes to the ground.

"Junghwa, I swear to God, if you don't take off ny rollerblades right now, I'll beat your ass!"

There's a silence as something thumps in the background. Namjoon takes the opportunity and speaks before Jungkook can say anything.

"So you haven't left home," Namjoon hums. "What's that about me being late again?"

"Hey, don't judge! I've got Junghwa here!," Jungkook screams. "Don't pull the cat's tail!"

"It's alright, I'll wait," Namjoon smirks. "See you there."

Namjoon hangs up before Jungkook can say anything else. He sighs and looks out the window. The golden bracelet around his wrist glints against the reflection.

Not even a few minutes before the car stops. Namjoon glances at his driver, who is just staring at him silently. He understands immediately and opens the door.

"I'd say that you don't need to wait," Namjoon says as he steps out. "But I know that my father has orders."

Namjoon's driver doesn't say anything. He's a silent man who barely speaks, even around his father. The moment he steps out of the limousine, the door locks.

Afterwards, Namjoon stands in front of the bookstore where he and Jungkook usually meet. He stares at the dusty sign board before entering. The little bell over the door rings.

"Welcome!," Comes the automatic greeting from an employee. "Oh, good morning Namjoon!"

Namjoon smiles and nods at the employee. "Good morning, Han."

Han smiled back and bows respectfully. He stands next to a cart of unsorted books. "You must be here to meet your friend again."

"Yes," Namjoon replies and eyes the cart. "Do you need help? I'll be more than glad to assist."

"Uh, no!," Han waves his hands awkwardly. "Please Namjoon, customers must not work."

Namjoon calmly walks to the cart and grabs one of the books. To Kill A Mockingjay, a classic. He looks up at Han and sees him glancing at him anxiously.

"Alright, then I'll go and borrow this then," Namjoon waves the book and winks playfully at Han.

After the transaction is made, Namjoon sits outside the bookstore and opens up the book. To Kill A Mockingjay, it's a classic he's read more than once. But he can't get enough of reading masterpieces like these.

"Kim Namjoon!"

Namjoon looks up from the book to see a familiar. Jungkook is skating across the street with his roller blades. He's flailing his arms wildly and the way his long hair falls over his eyes— Can he even see?

"I'm not late!," Jungkook insists and points a finger. "I had an emergency!"

"It isn't safe to listen to music while skating," Namjoon huffs and closes his book.

Jungkook skids to a stop and slides onto the bench. He sits next to Namjoon and takes off his helmet to reveal a head of wavy long black hair that reaches his chin.

"Don't lecture me," Jungkook whines and pulls out his earphones. "To Kill a Mockingjay? That's like, the third time this week."

"Had nothing else to read," Namjoon shrugs. "Or do."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2019 ⏰

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