Chapter 18: The Truth

Start from the beginning

"I suppose we are." I say softly as I look up at him. "I'd very much like that."

He smiled. "Me too. But be completely honest with me ok?"


"Do you still love him?" He asked, staring me dead in the eyes. He saw through me.

"I-I don't know, Fletcher. Whenever I think of him I get confused. He won't be a problem, he made sure of that yesterday." I reply awkwardly, stuttering and trying to hold eye contact, "He's the father of my baby, though, a part of him will never be able to leave me."

Fletcher sighed and sat back down. "You sure he won't be a problem? Him get out of lockup and you go running back? I'm sorry, this has been bothering me all night."

"I'm sure I won't go 'running back' to him. He pushed me away, told me to leave. Had the look that just screamed 'never come back!," so yes, I'm sure he won't be a problem." I whispered furiously at him. "I love you, Fletcher. I want to be with you. Is that so hard to comprehend?"

I saw a hint of a smile, "No. It's not. I just wanted to make sure that he can't hurt you again. I know how hard losing him like that was for you. I don't want it to happen to you again."

"Fletcher. I won't leave you just to get back with him. That wouldn't be right. He'll be in there for awhile, I'm sure he'll forget about me." I state as I sit on his lap, pulling Alexandra closer to me. "But, if my daughter asks why she doesn't look like you, I will tell her about her father. The full truth, not just the good bits."

"You're a good mom, Alana." Fletch tells me as he rubs slow circles on my back. A small moan of pleasure escapes my lips. "And a good person. That's why I've always loved you, even though I was never good at showing it."

I snorted, "No kidding. I didn't think I was even a real person to you until you saw my baby bump."

He kissed my shoulder. "And for that, I'm sorry."

"You're forgiven."

Alexandra started crying a few minutes later and I fed her before giving her a bath and putting a clean diaper and clothes on her. The color of her eyes had started to become more and more noticeable. She would have bright green eyes. Just like her father. Hopefully she won't be a troublemaker like him too. I cradled her in my arms as she played in with my hair and nestled myself against Fletcher and we watched movies. Alexandra drifted in and out of sleep. Needing food and a clean diaper, sometimes both. It didn't bother me one bit, I enjoy being a mom, it was a truly wonderful gift. Nothing could change the love I have for my child, nor could anything change the lingering love I have for her father. I was stupid to love him, stupid to trust that he would never get caught, but I still loved him. I wouldn't leave Fletcher for him though. I owed my life to him, he's the only guy who'll stick up for me and help me raise Alexandra.

After the movie there was a quick two knocks on my front door, Fletcher popping up to get it. He returned a few moments later with pizza and a very happy Cassie. "Cassie!" I squeal with delight. "It's been forever!"

"It really has! I have so much to tell you about. But first, I want to hear all about yesterday-and hold the baby!" She giggled and held her arms out. I carefully passed Alexandra to her, making sure she wasn't woken up by any uncomfortable movements.

"Yesterday was... A mistake. I shouldn't have gone at all. He was such a prick! He looked at his own child for maybe thirty seconds but he mainly just wanted me to leave. Too concerned about his damn prison reputation for his own child!" I whisper-yelled. "If he thinks for one split second that he's fooling me he's wrong. I know how he can be about his reputation. Anyway, lets hear about you!"

She blushed and looked down, "Well, I started seeing this guy I work with on Tuesdays. It was an instant attraction kinda thing. Maybe you and Fletcher can get a sitter and go on a double date with us?"

I looked over at Fletcher with pleading eyes, "Can we?"

"I don't see why not. I'm sure your neighbor would watch her, or your grandma." He smiled at me. "Is this Saturday good with both of you?"

I looked at Cassie who nodded eagerly at me and I nodded at Fletcher. "Ohhhh! This is so exciting!" I squealed. "I'll as Natalie tomorrow, she adores Alexandra. Is there any other news?"

"Well, the head cheerleader got caught smoking pot. Naked. With a teacher." She tells me.

"What teacher?" I gasped.

"Mr. Schmidt, tenth grade hall." Cassie paused and bit her lip, looking between my and Fletcher, "Can you give us a few minutes alone, Fletcher? Girl stuff, you probably wouldn't be interested."

He shrugged and kissed my cheek, "I'll give Alexandra a bath if you need me."

"Thank you, Fletcher!" I yelled after him. After I heard the water start I looked at Cassie, "What is it?"

"I know you went to see Alex yesterday, I know Fletcher ain't too happy about it, but you know I care enough to ask. How'd it go?" She was looking me straight in the eyes. We've always had a deeper understanding one another, especially when it came to eye contact. So, through water eyes and a cracking voice, I told her every detail. The exact truth. Alex didn't want me. When we discussed the possibility of him going to jail, I hoped he might still want me. He doesn't, it's possible he never did. But what does it matter now? I've already had his kid. I'm forever his baby mama. A disgrace. Such a disgrace my own father that he left me. But still, I wear the pendant he sent me. Only because it is a reminder of my daughter, a reminder of something beautiful. My sweet, sweet little Alexandra.

The End.

A/N: So this is the end, unless I do something solely Alexander or if I do Alexandra's story. I'll do an epilogue if, and ONLY IF, my views go up and I get votes. Idk, I need more motivation and who doesn't want more views right? This stuff isn't easy and that's why people get pissed off when other people steal their stories. I'm not accusing any of you guys of that because I hope you guys are smarter than that and more creative. And before I forget! I will be adding more detail on the EVERY chapter now, not just the one pagers. I feel like that's the main thing my stories lack. Anyway, I love you guys <3

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