3) Necklace (Nate x Female Reader- Fluff)

Start from the beginning

"Perfect. That will be $1,850.02 please sir." He said, pushing the card reader over the counter to him with a smirk, as if he expected Nate to back off at the price.

Nate scoffed a little and put his card into the reader, entering his pin number and giving the man a smirk right back.

The man was a little flustered by his actions, certainly not expecting such a cool approach to having spent almost two thousand dollars on a necklace for someone who wasn't even his wife.

Nate took the card out and put it into his wallet, taking the small bag and chuckling. "Pleasure doing business with ya..." He said, before turning to leave. "Asshole." He mumbled under his breath in irritation.

He went back to his car and got in, placing the bag on the seat next to him before he buckled up and began to drive home. By now he knew that Y/N would be almost finished in the grocery store, giving him enough time to get home and prepare a few things.

Once he was home he rushed upstairs and got changed into something a bit fancier. He then went back down and grabbed a bouquet of roses, which he had been hiding in the cupboard. He then looked at his watch, sitting on the couch and waiting for her to walk in.

Dead on five Y/N walked in through the front door, three bags full of shopping hanging from her hands, which were slightly sore. She rushed through to the kitchen, dumping the bags on the side and calling out, "I'm home!"

Nate smiled to himself. "In the living room." He called back.

Y/N sighed, running a hand through her messy hair and beginning to walk to the living room, mumbling to herself. "Goddammit Nate, can you please come and help me, for Christ's sake..."

She stopped in her tracks when she saw Nate stood there, dressed in a waistcoat and black shirt. She could smell his cologne from where she stood and she saw the bouquet of roses.

Nate smirked and gave a laugh. "Well, I can help, but that means we'll have to cancel the plans I had for tonight..." He said.

"P-Plans? What plans?" She asked, frowning.

"Dinner with the most beautiful girl in the world." He said.

Y/N felt her face go bright red at this and she bit her lip. "Me?"

"Well, is there anyone else?" Nate countered before he walked over and handed her the bouquet. "For you, sweetheart." He said.

Y/N gladly accepted and smelled them. "They're beautiful." She said softly.

"Ah, well nothing can compare to you." He said, resting his hand on her cheek. "I love you so much, you know that, right?"

Y/N nodded. "Of course I do, why?"

"Well, sometimes I wonder if I show you enough how much I really do love you." He explained. "So I have something to express what I feel..." He said.

He then went over to the couch and pulled something up from beside it and walked back over, handing her the small bag. "For you."

Y/N took the bag, placing the flowers down carefully and then pulling out a large red velvet box. She carefully opened it up and found the beautiful heart necklace inside.

As soon as she saw it she gasped. "Oh my god, it's... It's so pretty..." She whispered. "Nate, this must have cost you so much..."

"It did, but you're worth it..." He replied and kissed her forehead.

She lightly touched it and felt herself tear up. "Thank you." She whispered.

Nate shook his head. "Please, don't thank me... I bought it for you to show my love... I know neither of us is really ready for the big question yet, but this is close enough for me."

Y/N nodded and took the necklace out. The sparkle that emanated from it was out of this world. It was the most beautiful, amazing necklace she had ever seen, and what's more, it was hers forever. It meant more than Nate could ever think to her.

Nate took the necklace from her and delicately draped it around her neck, fastening it at the back for her. The chain danced across her collarbones and it sat perfectly against her soft skin. It was made for her.

"You look even more perfect, if that was even possible." Nate said with a small smile. "Now, go and get ready in your most fancy evening wear, and meet me back here in half an hour, okay darling?"

Y/N smiled softly, sniffling a little to keep the tears at bay before wrapping her arms around him, and giving him the biggest and most passionate kiss she could muster.

She pulled away and looked deep into his eyes. "I love you so much Nate. You treat me like a princess and I don't deserve it."

"Well I think you do because you are my princess, and you always will be."

Y/N blushed hard and smiled softly.

"And one day I hope to make you my queen." He added.

A/N: I hope you liked that. I really enjoyed writing that one.

Let me know what you thought below.

Hopefully the fourth one will be up later or tomorrow.

Thanks guys.

~Antiseptictrash ;) <3

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