Snob (Nate x Female Reader- Fluff Part 1)

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A/N: This is a fluff where Nate comes from a posh family and (Y/N) comes from a poorer family. Nate is going to be quite a jerk in this, so be prepared for him to be different to how he is in real life. I hope you all enjoy it.

Nate and (Y/N) had been dating for a few months now and things were beginning to get more serious, and what I mean by that is that Nate was beginning to raise his standards. You see Nate had quite a few sets of standards for different people, which had been set into his head by his parents when he was young.

His parents had always been very keen for Nate to find the perfect girl, fall in love, get married and have children so they could be grandparents before they passed away. A few of those criteria had been met, or were in the process of being met apart from the perfect girl part. That set of standards was particularly high.

To be the perfect girl (Y/N) would have to change a lot of things. She just wasn't what Nate or his parents were looking for at the moment.

I know what you're all thinking – if I were (Y/N), I would have dumped his ass long ago. Well she'd told herself this, but the thing is she was so in love with him that she couldn't bring herself to. For all his flaws, she still loved and wanted him. And because of that she wanted to please him.

But (Y/N) didn't know how to please a man like Nate. He was perfect, not only in his looks, but in his actions – he could do no wrong. Nothing she did seemed to be quite good enough. On many occasions she and he had been out and he'd humiliated her quite badly.

The most prominent memory she had of this was when she had been invited around to Nate's parents' house for a dinner party that they were hosting. In their book it was nothing fancy, but to (Y/N) it was the fanciest thing she had ever seen. The house was so grand that it could have given even the Queen of England a run for her money.

They had a large entrance hall, which led to a huge staircase and the dining room off to the right. To the left there was the sitting room, or the reception room as Nate's mother had called it.

When (Y/N) had walked in Nate's mother had come out to greet her, but her face showed that she was less than pleased with what she was presented with. "Well, hello dear, you must be (Y/N). I'm Bernice." She said, holding out her hand hesitantly.

(Y/N) saw the look in Bernice's eyes and instantly knew things were going to be difficult for her. She took her hand and shook it.

Bernice pulled her hand back and sneakily wiped it on her skirt as if (Y/N) had some kind of disease. "Graham!" She yelled shrilly. (Y/N) flinched at the loudness of her voice. She looked down at the floor as she saw Nate's father Graham come into the hall. "Take (Y/N)'s coat." She said.

Graham gave (Y/N) a similar look to Bernice. He went over and took her coat, revealing (Y/N)'s beautiful deep blue velvet dress. Bernice looked her up and down, but said nothing. It was clear that she was thinking things in her head that she wasn't going to say out loud, not yet at least.

At that moment Nate came down the stairs and looked (Y/N) over. Bernice walked over and whispered in his ear, "She could have made more of an effort."

Nate nodded in agreement, but looked at his girlfriend with a sickly smile. "Darling, you look wonderful." He went over and gave her a polite peck on the cheek. "Now, I think mother and father have prepared quite the feast in the dining room, so shall we?"

(Y/N) nodded and smiled sheepishly at his parents. She felt quite out of place if the truth was known.

"I agree. We've heard many things about you my dear, we'd like to get to know you better." Graham said as he put her coat in the cloak room.

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