Chubby Bunny Challenge (Nate x MatPat- Fluff)

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A/N: This is for Will_Cipher_Dorito I hope you enjoy! :) 

Nate was sat on the couch next to his best friend Matt, or MatPat as the internet knew him. He was finishing off a live stream of Mario Super Smash Bros, which he'd enjoyed no end, after all, he had been able to spend time with somebody he didn't get to see on a daily basis and play games. What could be better?

Nate adjusted his thickly framed black glasses and pushed his raven black hair back off his face, looking at the screen intensely as he concentrated on trying to win. The expression he wore was pretty funny since he had the tiniest bit of his tongue hanging out of his mouth. He was so close to winning, but at the last second he lost, his character falling off the edge of the platform. He dramatically put the controller down on the table and threw his hands in the air. "That had to be fixed!" He protested.

Matt shook his head and simply laughed at his friend. "You always say that when you lose." He remarked and looked at the camera. "Well, it looks like our friend Nate lost, so let's give him a clap and a half for trying." He said and did the action he was famous for. He then grinned. "We agreed that the loser would have to do..." He looked to Nate for the answer.

"The chubby bunny challenge." Nate finished and looked to the camera for a moment before looking at Matt.

"The chubby bunny challenge! I know you guys have been requesting that I, or someone I collaborate with in the near future, do it, so here it is." Matt said and leaned down to the left side of the couch, grabbing a bag of marshmallows. He plonked them onto the table. "So, how many do you think you can do Nate?" He asked.

Nate thought about this for a moment. "Uhhh... Maybe six? I dunno, I have a pretty big mouth, so I can probably fit quite a few in." He chuckled.

Matt nodded. "Alright, six is the goal... Now, Nathan is going to put a marshmallow in, and after each one he has to say chubby bunny, adding another marshmallow until he can't add anymore or until he can't say the phrase anymore." He explained. "But there's a twist..." Some dramatic music played in the background of the stream. "We got... Extra large marshmallows!" He said in a deep voice.

Nate jokingly put his hands on his cheeks, a shocked gasp coming from his mouth. "Gaspu!"

"Gaspu indeed." Matt said to the camera. "So Nate, do you accept the challenge?"

"I do sensei." Nate replied and put his hands together before fake bowing and tying a band around his head like a martial arts pupil.

"Good. Adopt the position." Matt instructed.

Nate nodded and opened his mouth, waiting. Matt opened the bag of marshmallows and put the first one in. Nate looked at the camera. "Chubby bunny." He said with no problem. He moved the marshmallow into his cheek. Matt added the next one in, pushing it up the other side of Nate's mouth. "Chubby bunny." He said once more, still no issues.

Matt smirked and put the next one in, which Nate pushed into the other side of his mouth alongside the first one. The singer now had one very puffed out cheek, making it look like he'd just come from the dentist. "Chwubby bwunny." He said, his voice obviously muffled by the marshmallows.

At this point Nate was finding it hard not to laugh, having to cover his mouth so that the marshmallows didn't fly out.

"Ready?" Matt asked.

Nate nodded, opening his mouth for the next one, which Matt shoved in with little chance for Nate to react. "Chwubbfy bwunny..." He pushed the mallows in again as he felt them trying to surge forwards.

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