Saved By My Idol (Nate x Female Reader- Fluff Part 1)

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A/N: This is a oneshot which is based on an idea by PhoenixThePuzz called Idol in their book G/T Oneshots and Short Stories. Go and check out their book because their writing is amazing! This will be a slight expansion on that idea. I hope that I haven't copied them too much. I hope you enjoy, and thank you to PhoenixThePuzz for the inspiration.

(Y/N) was on her way into the large venue where the concert was being held. She'd been excited beyond belief about this day for months now, and it was finally here. She looked around, spotting the barriers at the very front. Only a few people stood there at the moment, waiting, talking and fangirling. She knew that would change soon and there'd be no space at the front if she didn't hurry.

She decided that she'd get merch later, not wanting to waste precious time by standing around. She was more bothered about the experience of the concert. (Y/N) was making her way over to the front when she suddenly felt two large hands grab her from behind and yank her backwards. Just as she was about to scream for help a sharp pain filled her head and everything went black.

(Y/N)'s eyes slowly opened and everything seemed very blurry at first, her eyes unable to focus. She groaned as she felt the throbbing in her head, and her hand reached up to feel a small bump forming there. She could hear muffled, deep voices around her, which she couldn't quite make out because her ears felt like she was under water. Light flooded into her eyes finally and she pushed herself up with all her strength, only to find she was sitting on something that resembled hay.

Confusion struck her. Am I in a barn? She tried to focus her eyes, rubbing them slightly as she looked around. She soon saw the cold steel bars ahead of her and her heart began to pound. Prison? No... Prison doesn't have hay... She carefully stood up and saw that wherever she was, she was very high up, not being able to see the ground beyond the bars.

She stumbled towards the bars, her ears finally bringing in clear sound now. She blinked a few times, feeling a chill running through her. She could hear the deep voices' conversation now. "It worked... The experiment worked. The test subject will be drowsy, but no harm done." A slightly posh voice stated.

Then another, slightly rougher voice came in. "So, she's how we want her, yeah?"

"Yes. She is small. Though why you want her like this I don't know." The posh voice said.

"Bosses orders innit." The rough one said with a slight laugh.


(Y/N) felt herself go pale at that. Small?! I'm small? She looked around and now she saw things more clearly. She was in a hamster cage! I have to get out of here!

She frowned to herself as she heard a third voice, which sounded familiar somehow, yet she couldn't place it. "Brad, grab my equipment and I'll meet you at the bus." The third one said. Their voice was smooth and silky, like an angel.

This is when it occurred to her that this person might be her only way to escape, so she began to scream and yell. "HEY! HELP! HELP ME! I'M BEING HELD HERE AGAINST MY WILL. HELP!!"

The third voice said, "What's that? Sounds like a girl... And she's in distress..."

The rougher voice replied. "It's nothing... Just a fan screamin'."

"No, that's no fan. What's going on in there?"

"Nothing! Just go and get ya stuff, then get to the bus!" The rough one said angrily.

"No, move outta my way!" The smoother voice said.

(Y/N) continued to yell. "I'M IN HERE! HELP ME PLEASE! THEY'RE CRAZY!"

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