During the family feast, those present were quite joyous. Zi Rui was relatively familiar with Xuan Tian Ming, and it was natural that they would be a bit closer. As for the five sons of the Yao family, they were a bit restrained at first, but they eventually found that the ninth prince might dress in a slightly exaggerated manner, and he might be a bit explosive and cold-hearted, but while sitting at the table as a family, he did not put on any airs. Especially when interacting with Zi Rui, he looked like a brother from a normal family. Gradually, they also found a bit of courage.

Xuan Tian Ming wanted to get along with the members of the Yao family, thus he asked the children: “Yao Shu is walking an official’s path, and he is already going South to take up that position. During the previous exam, Yao Sen and Yao Xuan came second and third, and both have already taken up positions in court. Then Yao An, Yao Nan, and Yao Xin, have you three thought about your futures?”

His question had hit the mark, as Yao An quickly nodded for both of his younger brothers, rushing to reply: “We have! Also, this is something that we need to discuss with younger sister Heng.”

Feng Yu Heng was confused: “Why does it need to be discussed with me?” The paths that men took were either the official’s path, the military path, or the merchant’s path, but none of those would require any discussion with her. Looking at her grandfather, she found that Yao Xian had an understanding expression, thus she could begin to speculate, asking: “Grandfather, do these three cousins wish to learn medicine?” The Yao family established itself as a divine doctor’s family. Although the younger generation had some understanding of medicine, there had been nobody who had expressed a desire to study this field. This had always been something that the Yao family had been completely helpless against. Even Yao Jing Jun had once expressed his regrets, but there was nothing that he could say. After all, even in his generation, there had been nobody that had seriously studied medicine. If the younger generation really did not have this sort of inclination, it would not be good for him to force them.

Hearing her ask, Yao An’s group rushed to nod before Yao Xian could even speak, as Yao Nan said: “That’s right! But what we want to learn is not the medicine that the Yao family had passed down. We read those things from childhood and have already grown bored of them, nor did they arouse any interest in learning medicine. But after returning to the capital and seeing younger sister Heng’s Hundred Herb Hall, as well as those new medical techniques, we became interested. We grew up in the Yao family and have a more solid foundation in medicine than other people. If younger sister Heng is willing to teach us those medical techniques, we will definitely remain loyal to Hundred Herb Hall for the remainder of our lives.”

Feng Yu Heng was stunned. It turned out that these three cousins from the Yao family had taken an interest in her modern medicine. Of course, she could understand. After all, as long as one was a medical practitioner, there would be none capable of resisting the benefits of those superb medical techniques. Medical techniques that traversed eras would not just be considered the pinnacle, but they would even be viewed as divine techniques. She still recalled that Song Kang had seen her perform surgery then immediately dropped to his knees, begging to become her disciple. The members of the Yao family began learning medical knowledge from a young age, so how could they possibly not be moved?

She looked toward Yao Xian and raised an eyebrow, asking: “Grandfather, why don’t you teach them? You know all the things that I know!”

Who knew that Yao Xian did not avoid it at all, directly saying: “These little ones don’t have faith in me. They only have faith in you, believing that what you have a grasp of is the source, while I learned it from you. They said that if they were to learn, they would want to learn it first hand and not second hand from me.”

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 801Where stories live. Discover now