3. Legolas and Harińdel. 30!

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This is the request of the lovely scarlet123469, hope you like it!

"I bet I can shoot down more goblins!"
Shouted a little blue-eyed girl, as she clutched her bow and arrows, to a blond haired boy who was holding a goblin doll, made out of hay.

"We'll see about that!" The boy answered and threw the doll up. The girl quickly readied her arrow and shot, hitting the goblin right in the middle. One after another the arrows hit the doll and even though the boy didn't show it, he was extremely proud of his friend.

The game continued like that until the boy had thrown the doll up 30 times. The blue eyed girl sighed and pushed her dirty blond hair out of her face, revealing her pointy ears, before smiling cheekily.

"Okay, your turn, but there is no point really, there is no way you could get more than me, Legolas, I'm sorry. But I can give you a hug as a reward for a good try, later."

Legolas ignored his companion and grabbed his bow and arrows. They switched and the girl threw the doll 30 times and the boy shot his arrows.

"Well, how many did you get?" Asked the elfling girl.

"30. And you?"

2854 years later

"Hey! Legolas! Ready to go?" The girl named Harińdel shouts as she grabbs her bow and arrows ready to go.

"In a moment Ińdi, I just have to take my bow." Legolas' voice answers as he runs out with his things.

"Ready to kill some spiders?" Legolas asks, looking at his friend.

"Yep. Let's go!" She shouts and they run into the dark woods.

Legolas' POV

Harińdel and I have always been close. We've played and trained together ever since we were children. We are the best of friends. We do everything together, and support each other when ever something is wrong. We might not be children anymore, but nothing has changed between us, since we were one. Now that I think about it, I might even still have one of the dolls that it all started with.

"15, 16.... 17!" Harińdel shouts as she shoots the spiders with confidence that I have always admired about her.

"18, 19... 20!" I shout back, smiling at her as the spiders fall by my arrows.

"Dream on! 21...22, 23, 24, 25!

"Good job... but not good enough, I have 28 already!" I shout as I shoot the spider that tries to sneak up on me from the tree tops. "Make that 29!"

"Oh no you won't! You won't win this time!" She shouts, laughing and her hands draw and let go of arrows faster when I've ever seen before.

"30! Hah, and you thought you could beat m..." "...aagghh!!" She suddenly screams making me turn around. There was a wounded spider right behind Harińdel with one of it's fangs in her back.

"No! Ińdie! No, please, no." I run towards Harińdel, killing the spider on the go and fall on my knees next to her.

"Ińdie. Ińdie. Stay with me, please." I beg, looking at the wound that was way too close to where her heart would be. "Don't worry, you are going to be alright, I promise." I say, trying to smile. The poison should only paralize, right? But what if the wound is too serious...? No, think positive!

I carefully, put my arms under her knees and back, trying to not touch the wound and stand up, she let's out a groan. That's right, we need a healer. And I start to run, while feeling the blood seep into my sleeve. Her blood.

Lord of the Rings One shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن