1. Frodo

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Me and Frodo have known each other since we were little hobbitlings. When we were 20 I started to have a slight crush on him and it has only grown since then.

I've tried desperately to hide it as he seems to have a crush on another, and every time he looks at her with his big happy smile, my heart breaks a little.

We are all very busy with getting ready the big birthday party that is tomorrow as Bilbo is getting 111, and Frodo 33.

Some put up lights on the Party Tree, some bring out tables and chairs or set up the big canvas with the writing "Happy Birthday Bilbo!"

I see Frodo walking around, giving orders, even though it is his birthday tomorrow too and he should not be helping so hard, but oh well, he has always enjoyed helping others.

Suddenly I see him smile to her again. That cute, big, sparkling smile, that always sends butterflies flying in my stomach. I look down quickly, trying to hide the pain that is probably already clawing it's way onto my face.

It is hopless, it's the 4th time in this week that he has smiled to her like that, the way he used to smile to me when we were children.

Would I have looked up I would have seen Frodo look my way, smile suddenly falling, now concerned. But I didn't. Instead I stood up and ran so no one would see my tears that threatened to fall.

When I reached the trees, where Frodo used to read all the time, I sat down and let it go. I was alone and my love for Frodo would not go away no matter what I tried. Maybe I should leave? I've heard so many stories from Bilbo about his adventure and would really like to see the elves. What was this place called? Rivendell! Right. It sounds always so beautiful when he talks about it and I could feel myself floating away into this dream state every time he talked about the music and waterfalls and trees and of course the elves. The tears had stopped and I was almost smiling thinking about me getting there.

Suddenly I feel a warm hand on my shoulder and I gasp, looking up quickly.

"Are you alright Y/N?"


I try to get up and run but he grabs me around my waist and pulls me back so I fall on my bottom.

"I am so sorry, are you alright? Did I hurt you?" He seems a little frustrated with himself but at the same time worried.

I sigh and taking a deep breath finally say nodding: "yes... yes, I'm alright."

I look down and away, trying to hide the tear stains that have dried to my cheeks.

I hear him sigh slightly and the next moment I feel a finger beckoning me to look at him, I have no other choice.

"I saw you crying, why?" "We used to tell each other everything, what happened?" He looks at me, face full of hope, pain, and something else I don't quite understand.

"I guess we grew up." I finally say.

Now it is his turn to look down.

"Maybe you should go back, Rosalinda is probably wondering where you are."

He looks up quickly.

"What does she have to do with me right now, you are more important!" He looks at me, baffled.

My heart flutters, but I continue.

"I've seen the way you two smile at each other." I say, sniffing slightly at finding my lap suddenly very interesting.

"She is just a friend..." he says frustrated. His face softens when he sees me jump. "She has been helping me with something." He says slowly. "Something very important to me."

"Oh..." I don't know what he expects me to say after that.

"Aren't you gonna ask what that something is?" He asks, voice quiet and careful, while trying to find my eyes.

"What is it then?" I finally ask, suddenly feeling very strongly that one hand still on my waist.

"You." He says.

"What?" Now totally confused, and look up.

He smiles as he finally got my attention.

"Y/N. There are many different ways of love, right?" He says, looking at me.

I nod, my heart beating faster.

"Well, I've loved you as a friend and brother since we were little."

My heart seems to be yanked out of my chest but I try and stay neutral.

"As we've grown, so has my love for you and it pains me to see you so unhappy." I see worry lines edge on his young face. "I long for something more." His face clears up again, the corners of his lips rising slightly, hoping.

I've stopped breathing, not wanting to miss a word he says.

"What about you?" He raises his eye brow questioningly.

I only nod, not trusting my voice. Can it be?

He smiles.

"She has been trying to help me find my courage to talk about what I just said, with you." "About, feelings, hopes... fears, thinking maybe, you might feel the same way?" He looks at me, eyes full of love and tenderness.

I feel myself starting to cry again, but this time it is of happiness, and I smile, throwing myself in his arms, feeling them go around me, and him kissing my hair. Then he captures my lips and I feel the fireworks going off. Am I dreaming?


I stretch out on my bed, I feel the slight sting in my shoulder where the blade hit me but that won't stop me feeling the warmth of the sun, on my face, as I smile, and think of my dream, and what all happend after this perfect night, in the woods.

The next day was Frodo's and Bilbo's birthday. It is funny how a normal birthday can turn from Bilbo's speech to running away from Ringwhraits and orcs and who knows what else. Yes. I went with him. I jumped in front of the sword that tried to kill Frodo, met Elrond, who healed me, I went with Frodo and Sam to the mountain where the ring was once forged and then watched Aragorn being crowned while holding Frodo's hand. It wasn't easy, and many times I felt like giving up, thinking that we will never get back home, that we are going to die. But seeing Frodo fight The Ring, and being next to him, helping him where I could, helped me keep up the strength and hope. I would not change anything.

We are back at Bag End now. We had to clear it of Saruman's followers and rebuild homes, they had ruined, but it is now the same happy place it was before it we went on that adventure. But today we are leaving.

I stand up getting dressed and go to find Frodo. He is in his study already. I go behind him and hug him, he is finishing his book.

"There. All finished." He says outing the last letter and smiling at me. "I'm leaving the last few pages for Sam."

"That is a lovely thought, and then he has the whole story to read to his children as well." I smile, cherishing his touch.

Yes. Tonight we are leaving. Tonight we are going to find peace.

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