2. Aragorn.

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It was around midnight and we had just made a fire, to make food and keep away animals and bad climate.

I was sitting on a log, staring into the flames, thinking about my home in Rivendell. I don't usually let myself do that. No distractions, but it is relatively peaceful right now as the hobbits were sleeping, and Legolas and Gimili were talking, a little distance away, while Boromir was keeping watch.

Suddenly I feel like I've been watched and I look up. It's Aragorn. He smiles at me and stands up from his seat, across the fire. He comes over to me and sits down.

"Tomorrow we will reach the Gates of Argonath." He says, sounding slightly melancholy, but still like it had just come to mind.

"Yes..." I say, quietly, wondering where it's going.

I feel his arm move to my shoulders and he pulls me to him. I smile and take in the heat that comes from his body, while listening to the faint beat of his heart and the fire crackling before us.

I needed this, after having to travel for so long, in boats.

"Y/N, I..." he started, but then closed his mouth and his face went back to his normal serious mask.

I looked at him questioningly as he watched the flames, saying nothing, but I could feel his shoulders were tense and he had a slight glint of worry and sadness in his eyes.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" I tell him softly.

There was a moment of silence, and then he seemed to let out a small sight and almost whispering, said: "Do you remember how nervous and sad you were when you were taken to Rivendell?"

"Yes." I answer just as quietly.

"You looked like you wanted to cry, like you hadn't been sleeping for days, weeks. You kept a straight face, but somehow I could see right through your mask." He continues, almost like he hadn't heard my answer, or had not been expecting one.

"Later that night I saw you sitting on the bench, next to the waterfall, alone, when I was out walking, you were crying silently, but quickly dried your tears when you heard me coming." He took a breath and continued: "I told you it was alright, that you didn't have to hide... I could see you needed comfort, so I sat down next to you and just looked ahead, letting you be. Showing you that you had someone, should you need it." He was far back in the memory, staring at the fire, not really seeing it.

I smiled, re-living everything. My parents had been killed by orcs, on an ambush, trying to save their king, and after that it was too painful for me to stay, seeing the person who they protected with their lives, every day even though we got along well. So I asked Thandruil, if I could leave, and he let me. He understood what it was like to lose someone dear to you. Understood what seeing him, must make me feel, even though I didn't blame him, and as we both knew it, so I said good bye. He gave me an escort and I went to Rivendell, where I was welcomed by Elrond, and Aragorn basically took me under his wing at once, and has held me there, protectide, still, now that our relationship is different.

"We sat for a while, just looked at the nature around us, but then you talked... you remember what you said?" He asked, finally looking at me.

"I said, how my parents had just died, protecting their leader, they were the king's guards, the king lived, but my parents didn't." I said, looking straight into his eyes.

"Yeah. I already knew it of course, Elrond had told me. He was good friends with them, but I knew that you should tell me yourself, if you wanted to." He gave a small, sad smile which I returned.

"I didn't know what else to do, so I just took your hand in mine and looked at you, I knew words could not bring them back, but it seemed to be enough. Soon I could feel you slump against my shoulder as you fell asleep, finally relaxed." He sighed. "I don't know what made you feel so safe and secure around me, when you had literally just met me, but it felt right somehow even though my brain was telling me to do something, that it wasn't appropriate for us to be like that, but I didn't listen, I stayed out, even though it was cold, I put my cape around you, and just let you be, because you needed rest and I was afraid to wake you up, or call attention to us should I succeed on getting you back to the house without waking you, but the problems would not have ended even then. Anyway, you woke in a few hours. You were startled and apologized, you look scared even, but you were also curious, why had I not waken you, why wasn't I angry that you had fallen asleep on me."

I laughed at that. "There was an entire week of awkward smiles and greetings in the corridors, everyone was looking at us weirdly, even though they tried to hide the looks, k knew they were there." He smiles at me again.

"And then one night, when I was walking again, I saw you once more. You were sitting on the same bench, looking at the waterfall like last time.  You didn't even hear me passing, until I accidentaly stepped on a small twig."

"With your sneaking skills back then you would have been dead out here in a day. But you gave me a scare alright, I was ready to throw my knife at you."

He raises his eyebrow at me, otherwise ignoring my comment, but I just smile innocently.

"Anyway, you thanked me, apologized again, I could have cut the tension with a knife" he smirks at me. I roll my eyes. "and I could see you wanted to ask me something, but held yourself back, so I told you to just say it." He looked at me again.

"I asked why you were so nice to me, and why you let me fall asleep like that, even though we were strangers." I said.

"And I actually didn't know what to say. It seemed so obvious to me, and I didn't want to hurt you, so I just said that you needed it, it was the right thing to do, and that I will always be there, if you need to talk. And it was the truth." "I had felt this connection. You having a similar past with me, both of us alone, and taken to Rivendell, both of us having lost our parents." He stayed quiet for a while, giving me time to start wondering again, what brought this up.

"We talked every night after that, it became a thing, us going out to meet each other and talk, soon I knew you and you knew me, I always felt like I could tell you anything, and I did, I remember when I found out my name and ancestry, I was shocked and scared, confused, I came to you, I told you everything, and you knew exactly what to say. I had started to love you already, but when you hugged me and told me that everything will be alright, that I was still the same person, that you don't think any differently of me because of who I am descended from, and how they met their end, I knew it. I was in love with you..." I could see a tear leave his eye but at the same time he was smiling slightly. And suddenly I knew what's the matter. His old insecurities. I could feel my heart break. That is a side no one else can see, but me.

"Aragorn, you are brave, selfless, loyal, caring, strong, you are everything a man should be, you will not end up like Isildur, you are going to be a great king, I believe in you, I love you, you won't fall under the power of The Ring. I will not let you, should you try, but you won't."

Soon he collects himself and kisses me softly. It takes my breath away, bringing back memories of when we were in Rivendell and he came to me, shaken, as Elrond had told him who he really was. After I told him, it changes nothing, he had looked at me like he he could barely believe his ears, he didn't need to say anything, I could see it all in his eyes. The thankfulness, the surprise, the amazent, the still lingering fear, which was now being masked with something that looked like adoration, and something else. It made me feel things, I had not felt before. And suddenly I became very conscious of how close we were, but it's like I had lost control, I could not move, even if I wanted to, and then, I felt his lips on mine and I saw stars. It was slow and passionate, full of love, and at the same time pain and hope, I could feel my heart going crazy, his hands slowly cupped my face and my whole body went warm as the time seemed to stop. It was... magical.

We pulled away and just stared at each other's eyes, not blinking, feeling like we're in a dream. Nothing else existed. My lips were still tingling, and then I blinked, remembering where we were. He breathed in and looked away.

He walked me to my room that night. We said good night and he kissed my head, turned around and left leaving me feel like I was in a dream.

*Back to present*

We pull away and he smiles that smile that he shows no one but me and I know that he is reminded of what I just was. Our first kiss. Of what I told him the first time, and he seems to get the light back in his eyes, as he kisses me softly, once more.

On the background I can hear Gimli snoring.

Okay, so this one is finally done, only took like 1719 words and few months. And now I will completely concentrate on a request I've gotten, I just needed to get this done, it has been hanging for so long and I didn't know how to continue, and now suddenly, it just came. And I have been writing for like 2 hours non stop, most of what is written. It's time to go to sleep, it's almsot 6am. I hope you like it and please like and comment. Good night/day/afternoon!

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