The Family

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When everyone got back home, Claire wanted to say something but everyone was too tired and just went to sleep right away. Then in the morning while everyone was eating breakfast, Claire said this: "Um ok everyone I have something to tell you..." "Um what?" Said Bill. "Well you Bill, I think you are going to be a... faTHEr!" "WHATTTTTTTT THE POOOOOOOOO#$#&&*#^%&^$#!!!!!" Yelled Bill. "Um..." Said everyone. "Uhh I'm just going to go for like a walk or something." Said Bill as he stood up and ran outside. "Wait!" Said Claire as she ran outside too. Then Claire found Bill sitting outside on a bench. "Umm so were going to have a kid now..." Said Bill. "Um ya..." Said Claire. "So how long have you known?" Asked Bill. "Um for like a week." Answered Claire. "So um do you know if it's a girl or a boy yet?" Asked Bill. "No." Answered Claire. So then they both went back inside and ate and then went back to sleep. 

After 9 months (or however long it takes to have a baby), it was finally time. Everyone was sitting on the couch watching a movie when... "Um oh no I think it's ready to come out!!!" Yelled Claire. "Um what?" Said Bill and everyone else. Then everyone looked at each other for like 5 seconds. "HELLO DUMMY DRIVE ME!" "ohH!" Said Bill. Then everyone got in the car and drove to the hospital. When they were there. Poo, Ladypoo, and Newpoo put on masks to look like a huma and then went inside. Then the doctor put Claire in a wheelchair and went to a room where they closed the doors. Then everyone waited outside for like 3 hours until... "WAAAAA!" THE DUMB BABY STARTED CRYING AND EVERYONE WENT IN THE ROOM. "FinaLLY!" Said Everyone. Then the doctor said: "Um it's a... girl!" "YAAAAY!" Said Claire and Ladypoo. "NOO!" Said Bill, Poo and Newpoo. So then they brought the baby home. "Um so what's her name going to be then?" Asked Claire. "Ummm how about... like..." *30 seconds later* "Madelyn or something..." "Ya!" Said Claire. "Ok!" Said Bill. So ya (I don't know what else to write) they just like did stuff for like a year until... (next chapter).

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