Chapter 3

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Jeon J...
Jeon J...
Jeon J...

I scribble his name all over my notebook. It had been two weeks and I still see his charming smile in my dreams and even sometimes I daydream about it. Also, you can't forget his big round eyes that seem to hold a whole galaxy on them.

"What's your name?" I whisper softly as I lay down the pen next to the paper full of 'Jeon' on them.

I check on the time and notice it was time, I been jobless for two weeks and today I start my new job. I got hired in another coffee shop and thankfully is close to home so I don't need to worry about running late.

"Yewon!!!" My best friend came running into my room with excitement on her face.

"What now? Wait don't you have classes by now?" She just gives me a smile. She comes closer to me and grabs me by the arms pulling me closer to her.

"That doesn't matter!! Yewon you're famous!!" I got out of her wraps and touch her forehead.

"You don't seem to have a fever, so I'm guessing you didn't have enough sleep because you are talking nonsense." She sticks out her tongue at me and pulls out an envelope.

"Oh really? Then how do you explain you getting an envelope with a stamp from the royal family?" I gave her a weird look and took the envelope from her hands.

And as she said, she was right there was a big golden circle display, and in South Korea only the Royals have it.

"Maybe it was meant for someone else, you should just leave it and the mailman will come and get it." I gave it back to her.

"But don't op- Sinb!!!" Before I could finish she already tore the golden stamp out.

"Great, now we can't return it back." Sinb only took a sit on top of my desk.

"Yewon, it had our address on it and your name, I'm sure it was meant for you. Anyways let me begin reading it." She took out a piece a paper, I only got a glimpse of it but I knew it was handwritten.

"Dear Kim Yewon, I don't know if you remember it has been two weeks, but I couldn't forget your cute smile..." Me and Sinb exchange weird looks.

"Let me see that." I snatch the paper from her. I scan the letter into the end, that's when I saw it.

Yours truly, Jeon Jungkook

I look back and forward from my notebook with the page open to where all you could see was Jeon J and to the letter.

"Sinb, do these stamp only belong to the royal families?" Sinb scans the stamp.

"Yeah, but people who are close to the royal family actually can have this as well but is very rare." She tells me.

"The ball we attended was filled with only the wealthiest of the wealthiest right?" My hands were trembling by now.

"Yeah, we were the only ones, why?" I fold the letter and grab the enveloped.

"I have to go to work, see you at night." I storm out of the room before she could even say anything else.

My mystery man can't be relate to a royal right?

I mean it will be crazy, there's a lot of Jeon Jungkook in Seoul, and like Sinb said friends could have the stamp too.

Yeah, he is just a friend, I mean most people who attended the ball we're from his statues.

As I close the door of the gate and was ready to walk to work, I suddenly stop where I spotted a big limo. There where two men outside the limo.

I look back at the house to see if Sinb will come out, I mean she is dating a rich boyfriend so this limo can probably be for her. I check my phone to tell her, but I completely forgot about it when I saw the time.

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