Chapter 10

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Fairy tales are just made up tales to tell kids when they are young. There's no prince charming that one day will come and knock on your door. There's a magic wand or evil stepmother. There are just society and the stupid government that cares more about money than it's people. I never really believe in then, I used to love to dream that I will meet my prince charming and that all my sufferings will end, but as the time when I began to lose hope. All hope was lost until I meet him. The day I lay my eyes on his beautiful features I just knew it will hunt me for awhile.

"Spacing out on me again? Tell me what's wrong?" I felt a gentle hand place above mine. I turn my gaze from the car window and turn to face him.

"Just trying to enjoy this moment. It's still unbelievable." It honestly was, I would have never thought that I will be dating someone in such high society especially a prince. It felt like a dream that I didn't want to wake up from.

"Same." I was honestly shocked to hear Jungkook response.

"Why?" He put his head on my shoulder as he scoots closer to me than we were already.

"Even if I am a prince, with handsome looks," I rolled my eyes "I was afraid you won't accept me, this is honestly the first time I ever like someone. So all of this is new to me, but I want to keep you by my side." I play with his fingers before bringing it up to my lips and gave them a light kiss.

"This is also my first relationship, growing up I didn't have time to experience the dating life, but I am happy that I get to experience it with you. Let's walk this path together and learn together, okay?" I felt a slight pressure in my head and it took me a second to realize he gave me a kiss.

"Okay, "I whisper back, laying my head on top of his.

I will let my own fairy tale write itself...


Today was a beautiful morning, last night I fell asleep dreaming about how my sweet Yewon was the cutest thing on Earth.

"My son, what's with the big smile of yours so early in the morning?" I was currently eating breakfast with my parents.

"Nothing much, father." My father raised an eyebrow, not believing my words, but proceeded to his own business.

"That smile, I know that smile, your father always used to smile like that when I started dating him, so who's the lucky girl." My smile just grew wider thinking about Yewon.

"Her name is Yewon, and mom she is the most beautiful person out there." I push my plate away and let my elbow rest on the table.

"So you found a lady already, that's good, from what noble family is she?" I turn my attention to my father.

"She is not noble." 

"Then is her family a powerful one?" I gave him a look, from the corner of my eye I saw the way my mom's body stood up.

"Dear, I think the girl our son chose is just a normal person." And that was enough for my dad to drop his chopsticks.

"A commoner?" My dad was anything but nice.

"Yes father, is there something wrong with that?" I have lost my appetite already. 

"Does she know your rank?" I already knew where this was going so I cut to the chase.

"No, she didn't know at first, but before you begin to think that she wants my money, let me tell you, father, that she's not like that. She is a sweet girl that has been through a lot." I knew my tone held venom.

"How do you know that? Break up with her." It wasn't a question it was ordered.

"No! I won our bet so I get to chose who to date and married!' I stood up from my chair slamming my hands on the table.

"Don't raise your voice at me, young man,  date, and married who you want, but not a commoner! What do you think they will bring to our kingdom?" I looked at my mom who was just giving me a weak smile.

"I never thought you will be someone to judged your own people. I'm not breaking up with her and you can't do anything about." 

"Excuse me, don't forget who raised you, break up with her, or don't ever talk to me." My father's words hurt me.

"Everyone be quiet! You," My mom pointed at my father, "are acting like a child, you lost the bet and instead of complaining you should respect your son decision, and you," She turned to me, "I'm happy you found someone, one day bring her so I can meet her, but don't raise your voice at your father. And now we are going to sit down, enjoy our breakfast instead of fighting."  Even if I lost my appetite I didn't want to make my mom more than she was already was so I took a sit.

Let's just said the rest of breakfast was pure silence, the only thing that was heard was the chopsticks hitting the plates.


"Why are you laughing? My father wanted us to break up!" Jungkook didn't understand why Yewon was reacting to this like if it was a joke.

"Sorry, but I get why your father reacted this way. You are a prince dating a commoner as your father said, I believe he thought you will bring someone in a high status so he was surprised you told him about me. I'm not mad or angry because I feel happy that you chose me and decided to fight for me." Yewon stood up on her tippy toes and place a warm gentle kiss on Jungkook's right cheek.

"Oh I like that, give me some more!!" And that's how Yewon made Jungkook's anger to go away and made him understand that he's father was just expecting someone else. 

"No more unless you help me clean up and I'll give them as your rewards." Jungkook didn't have to be told twice, he grabbed a rag and begin cleaning the counter. Yewon just looked with fond eyes at Jungkook. He was cleaning or at least trying to help. I mean you can't expect a prince to know how to clean especially when they are cleaning the counter with a rag you used on the floor. She shakes her head before grabbing a clean rag and begins cleaning where Jungkook passed by.

"Such a cute idiot." She whispers to herself, but even if she made fun of him. Him just being there with her made her heart flutter like no other. 

She wasn't afraid of falling for him at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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