Chapter 2

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As of now, I'm 23 and I've been working at "Reed's Real Estate" for 3 years now. So far I've been doing a better job than most of his previous assistants who were rumored to only have lasted for a few months. 

Right now today is another workday but it's also a Friday which means Xander will be making another appearance at another club opening. Despite being the CEO of a real estate company, he also has other businesses and investments that he takes part in. One of those includes restaurants or club openings. I'm glad I get to accompany him for this opening after all I'm his assistant. 

This morning I decide on wearing a simple blue flowy dress that reaches just below my knees, it has three-quarter inch sleeves with a square neckline. The dress shows off my figure without it being revealing. I decided to pair my dress with some black heels and a matching blazer. For my hair, I style it in a twist to keep it out of my face and put on some light makeup for today. Knowing later, I'll return home to redo my makeup for tonight's opening.

As I step out of my room, I noticed that Trina is dressed in a robe with her hair tied up in a messy ponytail. She turns around from the kitchen to greet me as I walk towards her.

"Morning Nat! Why so dressed up?" She teases as she finishes making her coffee.

"Morning and I'm not too dressed up." I defend while looking down at my ensemble.

"Sure you are," she rolls her eyes and continues, "Let me guess it's a Friday,  which means you have somewhere to be after work." She says stating the obvious.

"Yeah, something like that. Xander has a club opening later this evening and I thought I could dress up a little." I explained.

"Wait! For a club?" She asks and I nod. " I don't think that would be appropriate to wear for the club." She says.

"Why? What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I ask a little hurt.

"Well, for one it's a club, not a restaurant, so the atmosphere will be a lot less formal if you get my drift." She says taking a sip from her coffee.

"Okay. And?" I say waving my hand asking for her to continue.

"And I think I found the right dress for you to wear for tonight." She says setting aside her mug of coffee and getting up to go to her room. A moment later, Trina is holding a grey garment bag and unzips it dramatically. When she takes out the garment out of the bag, I notice that the dress is entirely made out of pastel blue lace. The dress has a halter top, with a simple back, and the hem of the dress looking to be very short. I stare at it for another second or two.

"So, what do you think?" Trina asks interrupting my silence.

"It's too much and besides it'll be too short on me," I say.

"Doubtful. I tried it on and It was longer on me so it will be the right fit for you." She says. Trina is a little shorter than I. Me being, almost 5,5 and her being 5 feet exactly she does make a point.

"Fine! I'll change into it when I come back from work." I say not wanting to argue with her. Knowing Trina, I know when she suggests something for someone the majority of the time she is right about her choice.

"Great!" She exclaims with joy.

"Well, I better head if I want to beat morning commute so I'll see you later," I say.

"Bye, and see you later!" She says walking to her room.

Trina was always much like a sister to me than any of my step-siblings. She always encouraged me to do things whereas my stepsisters, Briana and Ella discouraged me to do the opposite. Trina was more outgoing than me, but she was a good balance in my life. Without her, I wouldn't have applied for Reed's Real Estate without her encouragement. In appearances, she has dark long straightened hair. Her face is oval-shaped with brown deep-set eyes and full lips. I guess some would say she looked European because her skin is olive toned. Her body is hourglass shape like mine but she is shorter than I.

When I met Trina in college, we got along like we were old friends. Soon, she introduced me to her friend group and we learned more about each other. When she got to know me she learned of my family and I learned that she was raised by just her mother because her father abandoned both of them. Sad but true, I was glad I was not the only one who felt abandoned by their own father. 

Now that Trina and I have graduated we decided to move in together and find the best jobs available with our MBA degrees in order to pay off our remaining debt. Trina found a job where she can work from home. 

As I reach the parking structure I get into my black Mercedes and turn it on for it to start. I love my car and I have Xander to thank for that. In my 2nd year of working for the company he learned, I was taking public transportation to work. This prompted him into giving me a car, which I thanked but insisted that he shouldn't have done so. He kept nagging me all day long until I finally gave in and took the car. 

As I pull out of the parking structure, I notice it's going to be another gloomy December day out here in the bay area but the good thing is that traffic is lighter than usual. I don't have to be in the office till 9 but I always leave by 8:30 so I can grab a quick breakfast at the company's canteen as well as grabbing Xander's coffee.

Soon I have reached the company's building which is a tall blue window skyscraper with many floors and its own private parking structure which is great to not have to pay for a full day at a random lot downtown. 

As I get inside the building, I notice that the office is a little busy which is due to the holidays and our company's annual New Year's Eve Gala. when I went to my first gala, I was surprised to find it packed with many of the company members and their spouses at the event. The gala was formed for the sole purpose to praise our year-long achievements and hope to accomplish more for the following year. Now it still stands for the same purpose but it's also an event to see how many people in the company can get drunk towards midnight. Each year for the gala there was always a running theme. Last year's gala was a carnival and the year before was a casino theme but this year's theme will be old 50's Hollywood. Each year everybody is required to dress according to the theme. Lucky for me, Trina and I found the perfect dress for this year's gala. Since I've been Xander's assistant, I was always put in charge of getting a planner for the event and the go-to person to double-check the day before the event to make any last-minute changes.

As I get my breakfast and Xander's coffee I continue on towards his office and quickly leave his coffee in the empty office. Afterward, I head towards my personal office to see what appointments should be made and meetings to schedule. My personal office is larger than most other offices but it's the right fit for me. I have a desk that overlooks most of downtown, a bookshelf, and my own computer. Most offices are either overly decorated but mine is minimal, only having a few books and a couple of personal photos on my desk. 

As I set down my coffee my office phone starts ringing, I sigh knowing today is going to be another busy day at the office.

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