25) Animals/Creatures/Beasts ~ Snupin

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Lupin. Oh how Severus hated him. But right now, he couldn't seem to muster any hate for him and it was weird. Severus was still rather shaken over the events of last night, (Black had tried to murder him, after all) but the sobbing Remus Lupin in front of him made him think that maybe it wasn't actually planned.

The recently outed werewolf angrily wiped at his eyes as he begged for Severus to not tell the ministry.

Severus found his lips moving before he had time to comprehend his thoughts, "It's okay Lupin, I won't tell anyone, I swear I won't." But said teenager was too distraught, and didn't quite hear the other boy. Then, Severus did something he would never admit to. He pulled Remus into his chest, wrapped one arm around his waist and had the other on the back of his head.

Remus gripped onto him like a lifeline, and Severus simply held him as he cried. Luckily, they were not found by anyone.

When Remus came back to his senses he let out a wet laugh, "I'm- I'm sorry." Severus awkwardly nodded, "It's fine. Are you alright?" He blurted the words, since when did he care if lupin was alright?

Remus nodded nonetheless, and Severus brushed his thumb over the scar on Remus' cheek, before turning and hastily walking in the other direction.

Lupin smiled in an almost sad way and called after him, "Would- would you like to hang out some time?" Severus turned back, "I'll owl you!"

The next time they met up, was after the next full moon. Remus was in the hospital wing and Severus went to visit him. He started the conversation with, "Sorry I didn't owl you." Remus smiled and told him it was fine, and they talked for awhile.

Pomfrey was suspicious. When Severus heard Potter and co outside the hall, he rushed his goodbye, and swiping his thumb over the scar on the back of his hand, he swept out of the infamy.

Severus did actually owl him, just a week later. Severus asked Remus if he would have lunch with him under the big Oak tree by the lake. Remus replied yes, and Severus said he would bring food, and they planned it very nicely.

When it came to it, they want under the tree in the brisk winter, laughing and eating. When they were freezing and full, Remus leaned in and kissed Severus' cheek. They both blushed madly and rushed their goodbyes, with promises of meeting up again soon.

They studied with each other during their owls, and when James choked Severus on soap it was Remus who stood up for him. It didn't get very far, and so no insults were thrown. Remus was shrugged off, and she he spent more time with Lily and Severus. Instead of four against one, it became three against two (and sometimes three if Lily was about).

The feelings they developed for eachother were inevitable, and by seventh year they were secret boyfriends, and Lily was so done with being single.

Basically they lived happily ever after the end

My boys deserve it!!! I kinda want to write an actual story out of this tho

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