12) Pumpkins ~ Harry + Weasley family

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Dumbledore, after receiving multiple complaints from Muggle parents, decided to send the students home for Halloween. Only for four days, and they would just have their Halloween feast the night before they left.

Now, Harry, Hermione and Ron were on their way home. Harry was allowed to go to the Weasleys', and he was ecstatic about it.

By the time they got to Kings cross station, Harry was half asleep and Hermione was tired of all the questions they were asking about the season.

Hermione went off to join her parents, the Weasley children and Harry first found each other and then went off in search of Molly and Arthur.

Within the hour they were home, and all children sent outside to play so Molly could cook dinner. They quickly got sucked into a game of quidditch and finished two hours later, covered in wet mud.

It was drying on their skin, and they were all wiped over with a quick cleaning charm by Molly before all being sent for showers.

By the time Harry, the last to shower, was clean and dry, dinner was being served. They all ate, and very little was said over the course of the meal.

Molly, of course, was the one to initiate conversation, "So, what are we supposed to do over this Halloween then, children?"

All the Weasley children rushed into rambles about what they were supposed to do, but it was Harry who popped up with the idea of pumpkin carving, and the rest of the children quickly agreed to it once Harry had explained what it was.

Now, of course it was messy. Why wouldn't it be? Bits of pumpkin were thrown, Ron was set on fire (just a little bit though) and the kitchen required hours of cleaning. But it was fun.

Harry had tried to carve a bat into his pumpkin but it looked more like a blob. He enjoyed it none the less. Everyone else had poked random patterns into theirs, Ginny's was probably the only one that looked even remotely like a pumpkin face.

Fred and George had fuzed theirs together, and claimed they were ass cheeks. Molly wasn't very pleased.

Halloween was good for them, really.

I wanted this to be so much longer but I'm running out of time and I really wanna publish this before new years

Fictober 2019! Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt