13) Reptiles ~ Tomarry

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The first time Harry saw him, the dashingly handsome boy, was through his Aunt's garden fence. He was weeding the flower beds and talking to a sunbathing grass snake, and he caught him peeping through the little hole.

Harry didn't see him again for about three weeks, until that same snake popped up again. He was sitting under his favourite oak tree when the little green friend curled up beside him, telling him how horrible life as a snake was, and how there was recently a shortage of mice. He looked up through his curtain of hair and saw the boy swaying on the old rusty swing of the park across the road.

Harry simply ignored him, going back to his conversation. When Harry looked up again, the boy was gone but the swing still swung.

He didn't see him again until the next summer holidays, and dubbed it a fluke. He was probably imagining him, he assumed. But alas when the summer hols rolled around, he was seen again. Harry was hiding in a bush, from his cousin. The boy simply tripped over his foot and fell next to him.

Harry let out a little cry at the thought of being found, but the boy did not yell for his cousin. When he looked at the boy, he realised it was the one from last summer. His revaluations grew short though, as he heard Dudley's voice grow louder. He tugged the unknown boys shirt and pulled him closer, and into the bush, whispering a quiet "Shush, don't let them find me."

The boy nodded and five minutes later Harry deemed is safe to emerge.

"Hello, I'm Tom." The other boy spoke, getting up and brushing himself off. Harry stood up and copied, "I'm Harry."

The other boy simply nodded and held his hand out to be shook, "Want to come to the park with me?" Harry smiled, finally, a friend, and shook his hand.

They made their way to the park, where Tom took the liberty to tell Harry he was a wizard. Harry was, of course, taken aback, but was intrigued none the less.

Tom told Harry all about magic and Hogwarts, and how he was a Slytherin. The talk died down when Harry asked to continue their discussion of magic tomorrow, and the boys sat on the swings besides eachother, but they were only very slightly moving.

"You were watching me last summer. Why?" Harry asked, turning his attention back to his new friend. Said friend tensed, "I was trying to figure out if you were a wizard. My snake said he thought you were, but I wasn't sure."

Harry nodded, accepting the answer, "Where is your snake, anyway?" Tom looked down and ran the toe of his boot through the dirt. "I live in the boys orphanage, you know? Well, one of the older boys killed him." He was mumbling and Harry though he saw a tear roll down his cheek.

So, in good old Harry fashion, he did what he thought was best, and got up and gave Tom a hug. Tom, of course, was taken aback, but soon hugged him back, before they had to depart. They left with promises to meet up in the park and talk more tomorrow.

Harry, having gotten home so late, was unfortunately locked outside. He could see his aunt in the kitchen window, shaking her head at him. He walked back to the park and took to sleeping there that night, as he knew sleeping on the front lawn would raise questions and raise punishment.

He woke up, of course, at six in the morning. He opted to stay in the park until Tom came, which was only two hours after the fact.

They spoke about magic some more, and Harry asked when he would get his Hogwarts letter. "Well, how old are you?" Tom simply asked, and Harry simply replied, "Ten."

Tom simply replied that it would either be this year or the next.

When Harry asked the same question, he found out that Tom would be thirteen in December, going into his second year at Hogwarts.

The two boys were with eachother ever single day, and when they found an abandoned baby snake, Tom simply took her. He named her Nagini and that was that.

When the time came, to go to Hogwarts, they went together. Harry was sorted into Slytherin and they lived out happily, not questioning why people glared at them so.

Over the next two school years, they got closer. They were holding hands and more often than not Harry was sitting in Toms lap; soon they were sharing sweet kisses on the cheek between classes and every time they saw each other in the hall. That developed into little kisses on the lips too.

Soon enough everyone in Hogwarts just assumed they were dating, and by Harry's third year they were.

When Tom graduated, Harry felt a little bit lost without his beloved. He knew that Tom was staying in an inherited manor but that he hated it, and Harry couldn't wait to be with him. He couldn't wait so much, in fact, that he completely dropped out in November and simply took his newts at the ministry.

They opened a little reptile shop in Diagon Alley, and they lived in the flat above it. Nagini, having grown to her full 11 foot length, still slept in their bed. Harry complained that she was the reason they never got any action in, but they both new it was simply because it didn't entice them.

Their little shop slowly grew popular, and single handedly destroyed the stereotype of how evil snakes and reptiles alike were. They did, of course, adopt some of their own reptiles and they did start up a safe breeding program, (because they really needed to genetically make beautiful reptiles, while also making them good pets) and they did end up hiring some Hogwarts students for summer jobs, and the two now men lived out their lives happily.

Tada! This isn't proofread and I'm really tired oop

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