17) Ring ~ Snarcissa

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He was only small when he first met her; she was sixteen, and he only eleven, but he was still very sure she was the prettiest woman he'd ever seen. He was still sure when he was eighteen, in fact, and saw her whispering to her husband before he left for work.

She looked at him out of the corner of her eye, and stood up straight. "Severus, come, now." She spoke, and he couldn't help but comply. He followed her around the Manor like a mindless puppy, and soon they came to a halt. She ushered him into the room that they had stood before, and again he hurried to comply.

She sat down on a comfy looking loveseat, and motioned for him to sit as well, which he did. She pulled him closer to her, arms wrapping around him and Severus couldnt help but wish she would never let go.

However, she did, but when she did she handed him a box, pushing it into his hand and wrapping his fingers around it. Before he could ask what it was, she spoke again, "A promise ring, Severus. When this war is over, and Lucius is locked up in Azkaban, I promise I will come back for you." She kissed his brow, and walked him out, tears barely visible in her eyes.

The end of the war came, of course, but it did not end with Lucius in Azkaban, so it did not end with Narcissa's promise being fulfilled. She would give him sad eyes, when he saw her, and he couldn't bare to keep in contact. He still wore the ring, right until his dying day; it was kept under an illusionment charm, and when Narcissa found him lying dead at the end of the second war, she saw the ring slowly flicker back into existence.

She cried like she had never cried before, her sobs wracking her form, as of she could of saved him.

Aaaaa this is really short I'm sorry! And it's not very good. Idk this is my first time writing snarcissa. I'm really tired and I keep forgetting to update this oops. I promise during November I will go back and fill in all the other chapters.

Although as a prosnaper unless you guys leave ships most of them will include Snape 😂

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