11) Wings ~ Snirius

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The last thing Sirius wanted was to be mated to Snape, and Severus felt much the same. They opted to never talk of it again, and just pretend they didn't realise. The merciless bullying continued, and Severus continued his path of darkness.

Seventh year, a whole three years after they found out, Sirius woke up with a ear piercing scream. He was on fire; like he was slowly being eaten by acid, starting at his heart. James and Remus rushed to his bedside as Peter ran to get Pomfrey.

Down, in the forbidden forest, Severus Snape lay unconscious, demon-like wings spread around his frame like a barrier. The feathers appeared burnt, and they were bloodied, the clumps of feathers around him showing it was from tugging them out.

James and Remus didn't know what to do with Sirius, so they simply hoisted him out of bed and met the Medi witch halfway, her continuing to levitate him as she assessed the situation. Her conclusion was quick, "It's his mating bond. His mate is dying, or dead, and Sirius' body is forcefully shutting down because if it." She whispered, tears filling her eyes rather quickly, "There is nothing can do, unless I can find his mate and save them."

James and Remus didn't know who Sirius' mate was, he had claimed to be unmated. They didn't understand why he'd lied, but now was not the time to ponder. The three boys rushed to Professor Dumbledores office and informed him. Dumbledore quickly sent out a note, for all heads of houses to do a head count and see if a student was missing, and for the other teachers to look for an injured student, claiming it was a matter of life or death.

He sent an emergency owl to St Mungos asking if any of their patients had started going down hill quickly in the last half an hour, or if any around the age of seventeen had died, briefing over the situation to them. He sent a similar letter to the ministry and they began the search also.

He got the results back, on who was missing. Nine students in total were unaccounted for, however four of them were the Marauders so that left five, one Hufflepuff, three Ravenclaws and one Slytherin.

Dumbledore, knowing the other four students were already mated, immediately sent teachers to look for Severus Snape.

It was McGonagall who found him, not breathing and slowly bleeding out. She called for Poppy, and soon enough she was working on healing him, in the middle of the forest. It was unsafe to transport him currently.

She quickly figured it was a suicide, but eventually got him stabilised. Sirius was still miserable and in pain, but not as much as he was before.

A week and a half later, Severus woke up to Sirius stroking his hair and with a soft voice, spoke, "I thought I was supposed to be in hell?"

"I'm here, so who said you're not?" He whispered quietly, removing his hand hastily, "Don't!" Severus whined, and Sirius put his hand back. "If I was in hell, I wouldn't feel this nice." He whispered, and nuzzled the hand.

A few moments after the Medi witch had assessed his health and left them alone, Sirius asked the question that had been pestering him for nearly two weeks, "Why did you do it?"

There was silence for a little while, before a reply, so quiet it was barely heard, "My wings are ugly. I want to get rid of them."

Sirius shook his head, "Your wings are beautiful."

Severus snorted, and closed his eyes, "What even are you, anyway?"

The boy in question shrugged, "Animagus Grim, it unlocked the mate in me I guess."

Severus tensed, "I'm a fallen angel."

Sirius nodded, "I know. Your wings are beautiful."

He let out a small smile and relaxed his muscles, wings stretching.

Sirius and Severus spent the next two months, in the hospital wing, getting to know each other a bit better, on a more personal level. Whether it was talking about their home life, or having their faces between the others legs, it was safe to say that they were okay.

James would just have to get used to it.

This is rushed and not proofread but I'm a bit proud of it!

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