29) Party ~ Tom Riddle/Severus Snape

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Severus always enjoyed pleasing his lover, his Lord, and unfortunately that meant going to stupid parties that he threw. They were political, obviously, so everyone was invited. Well all purebloods, anyway, and due to that, so were their partners.

So this is why Tom was subtly trying to distract Severus from realising Lily and James were there, although it had failed, and Lily was shooting him questioning glances.

He decided to ignore her and get absolutely fucking hammered.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, one after the other. He lost count, of how much he drank. He just knew it was a lot, and apparently, Tom had had the same idea. So that's how they were found dancing slowly, Severus simply hiding his face in Toms shoulder.

Lily was rather confused, but she didn't think on it much. She found she was staring at her old friend more than her own husband.

Severus didn't care, he really didn't, because fuck her. He was shagging the magical equivalent of the biggest mob boss around and she was not. He was so content, and he did not care for anyone's opinions, especially not hers.

Severus was rather happy being his Lords lap dog, and he was spoiled in the jealousy that rolled off the hundreds of people watching them. He grinned and moved his chin so it was resting on Tom's shoulder.

"I love you." He whispered, so quiet that he was sure Tom didn't even hear.

"I love you too, my dear prince." He whispered back, and Severus smiled, just as a sweet kiss was placed on the side of his head.

Severus was very content, yes indeed he was. And he would do anything for Tom. Even go to stupidly annoying parties.

This is stupidly short but I love it??? I'm really feeling the Tom/sev vibes rn.

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