Chapter 1

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  "Life is unfair" that is the only advice that has stuck with me since I was 13 and looking back at that advice it couldn't be truer than what I have to deal with.

My life began with two loving parents named Adella and Julian. We lived in a comfortable life of wealth. My mother raised me to appreciate the simple things in life but I didn't know that until I was much older.

When I was 5 my mother suffered in a car accident and she paid that accident with her life, for the next 8 years my father had to deal with depression and the loss of a wife and mother. Simultaneously, my father was also dealing with matters on his self-starter real estate company and trying to parent me.

Everything started to turn around the time I turned 13 when my father had decided to remarry bringing a new mother and two step-sisters into our life. In the beginning, everybody in my household got along and while things at home were doing great my father's company started to take off with many investors interested in the company. With business booming for my father, my family moved into a large estate house. I was happy for my father but leaving our older home was like saying goodbye to my mother all over again. 

By the age of 14, my father came home less and less due to his booming business. Around this time, my stepmother took this opportunity to hand me the responsibilities of running the household. This was when she and my step-siblings showed their true colors. I would be in charge of cooking, cleaning, and taking care of their needs. At this point, I thought of quitting school and do online schooling but leaving the house was a better solution because I knew my stepmother couldn't do anything if I left. 

When I got older I became everyone's chauffeur on top of being their personal maid and chef. My father on the other hand only paid attention to work but rarely paid any of us any mind. Whenever I complained to my father about my stepfamily he would ignore it or justify their actions. His excuses always angered me and just before I left, he decided on cutting me off financially if I attended college. He believed he would be saving more money by putting it away for his other daughters. This excuse gave me more reasons to find a way out of this family for good. 

Throughout my time in high school, I learned to juggle my family life, school life, and my little life outside of both. I secretly was saving up money for college and funding my move by working as a part-time librarian and a personal tutor. At this time I was living the life of cinderella but I was living it without a fairy godmother or a prince to save me.

By the age of 17, I was able to complete my senior year ahead of everyone in my current class and I graduated with honors. It was the biggest achievement I overcame despite the obstacles my family always threw at me but through the long nights of studying and college prep classes I was happy to overlook the faults in my life. That same year, I was accepted into Standford for their business program. With my scholarships and with the money I saved up, I finally moved out of that house.

College life was a lot less difficult than high school, for once I didn't have to deal with my family. All I did during my time at Stanford was work and go to school but eventually, I gained a small social life that I never had in high school. I became good friends with Trina who would later become my current roommate. 

Three years later, both Trina and I have already graduated and decide to continue living in the bay area for work. Around that time I was hired as a fully paid intern at this prestigious real estate company named "Reed's Real Estate". Knowing a little bit about real estate from my father's business I was able to get an internship with the company.  

My time working as an intern I learned more about the world of real estate. This company dealt with corporate business real estate as well as normal property real estate. Eventually, my work within the company allowed me to get hired on as a permanent worker in the company as a personal assistant to the CEO of "Reed's Real Estate". The CEO himself is named Xander Reed. 

The first time I met him he looked like a supermodel for Vogue with his sandy brown hair swept to one side, piercing hazel green eyes, and muscular but slim build, I wouldn't have believed he was the head of the company. Compared to him I felt average, I had brown chestnut hair that was always wavy and unruly and brown eyes. I was always self-conscious about my appearance whenever I compared myself to others. Upon meeting Xander I learned he was only 3 years older than I and he became the CEO of his company by the age of 20. At the same time, he also got married. I was a little disappointed upon learning he was married but mentally I slapped myself for endorsing such a thought that I could have a chance with him. 

During my next 3 years working as his assistant, I learned a lot about business management and more about who he was outside of work. I wish I could say my fascination with him never ended.

I learned that Xander was married to Olivia Castelle, the daughter of another well off real estate CEO. Olivia herself has long blonde hair, a slim body with small curves, and blue eyes. Pretty as she looks I wish I could say the same about her personality. The times I've talked with her she is either hungover or is 5 drinks deep and whenever I get the chance to converse with her she always finds a way to put me down. I've learned early on to be nice and ignore her rude comments. After all, she is my boss's wife.

Getting to know her I've learned she is the complete opposite of Xander. Xander is always giving and kind towards anyone whereas Olivia is completely rude and insulting. I remember my first year of working for Xander I learned that he was relentless at whatever his company was involved in but outside of the company he was different. His marriage to Olivia got worse with time, in the beginning, they knew they were different from one another. She didn't want to settle down whereas Xander wanted to settle down. A few months into their marriage Olivia began drinking and soon put less effort into her marriage. In their 2nd year of marriage, they were expecting a child which gave Xander hope that Olivia could change her ways. That wasn't the case, Olivia being the alcoholic she is soon lost their child within three months. Soon after, Xander fell into his own depression. Time after that it got harder to handle Olivia and her addiction. Xander tried getting her to rehab multiple times but when she did go for a couple of months she would go back to her old ways. I truly wished he divorced her but unfortunately being in his position he wouldn't be able to. It was rumored that his family wouldn't allow it because it would ruin his reputation in the public eye and break their business empire.

 It was also rumored that his marriage to Olivia was planned by his parents in order to merge with Olivia's father's business in order to stay afloat. I wish there was a way to get out of his marriage but then again what can I do? I'm just his assistant and he hardly looks my way or so I thought he did.

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