Chapter 6. Will of the Order

Start from the beginning

"No shit!!! Congratulations!" Bernard smiles wide.

"That answers my question." Richard says.

"What would that have been?" Sinder asks.

"I was going to ask why she wasn't out adventuring with us. And, now I know." Richard lays on the bed.

"Even now she wanted to be, but I insisted she take it easy. She, of course, gave me the cold shoulder for a few days, just before we left. She still gave me a kiss and made me promise to come back safe." Sinder lays on his bed. "Despite all the arguments, she always comes back to me with a smile, in the end."

Bernard smiles and lays on the floor. "Sounds like my exs."

Richard and Sinder both turn to look at Bernard at the same time.

"You had a wife?!" Sinder asks.

"Did you have any cubs?" Richard asks.

Bernard glances at Sinder. "Dude, I'm a bear, a very large, strong bear. I get all the girls." He then glances at Richard. "A lot of cubs." Bernard lays his head back down and smirks.

Richard and Sinder look at each other with a smile and lay back again.

Meanwhile, In Sanya and Bianca's room, they sit up talking about the current events..... Girl talk... It was girl talk.

"So, how about that Richard?" Sanya asks.

Bianca brushes her hair. "He is okay."

"Okay? You are practically two steps from chaining him to your wrist!" Sanya giggles.

Bianca sighs, putting down her brush. "As much as I want to... I have someone I have to locate and.. settle things with before I can move on."

"Oh? Anyone I know?" Sanya asks.

"No." Bianca looks at the floor. 

Sanya sits quietly for a moment, sensing the emotional tension the conversation had stirred up. "Uh.. So, what are you doing after the order releases you?"

Bianca looks up nervously. "Join the party, permanently."

Sanya's eyes lighten up. "ME TOO!"

"What?! But.. I thought you and Sinder didn't get along!" Bianca says, excitedly.

Sanya leans back with a sigh. "It is not that we don't get along..." Sanya rolls over on her side. "In fact, that is all my fault. I... He..."

"You can tell me, I will not tell anyone else, I promise." Bianca leans forward.

Sanya sits up and looks Bianca in the eyes. "Promise."

"I promise." Bianca does a boy scout style crossing her heart.

"Okay... I... love him... Loved him... When he met Gretchen... he... he just ignored me. I had ventured with him everywhere, saved his life multiple times, and he had done the same for me. I thought... I wanted that to be me." Sanya looks at the floor, tears slowly forming in her eyes. "I wanted to be his wife, bare his children, hold him, protect him, argue with him, kiss him goodnight....." Sanya breaks down into full tears, cupping her hands over her face. "Have you ever... loved someone so much... but you knew you could not be there when they needed you?"

Bianca nods silently, but Sanya does not notice.

"I... can't break them up. I would NEVER stand... in the way... of his happiness." Sanya begins to cry loudly, looking up with tears flooding her eyes. "But I hate her!! I hate her so much for taking him.. from me!!"

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