Chapter 6. Will of the Order

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Later that night, Richard, Sinder, and Bernard sit in their room. As they talk, the topic shifts from future adventures to the state of their party.

Bernard looks at Richard. "What is the plan for Bianca?"

Richard leans back against the bed. "She hopes to hear from the Holy Order soon... As for after that, she would like to travel with us."

Sinder smirks. "Really? You must have made a good impression."

Richard shakes his head. "I do not think I had anything to do with it, she is looking for someone."

"So, how about our party?" Sinder asks.

Richard shrugs. "Why change a good thing?"

"Exactly my thoughts, even Sanya agrees with me." Sinder exclaims.

"That is unusual." Bernard chuckles.

Sinder rolls his eyes. "We are not constantly at each other's throats... it's just... I don't know...."

"You do not know why she gets onto you so much?" Richard asks.

Sinder shrugs. "I have my suspicions, but nothing can be done for it."

"So we are agreed, the party stays together for now?" Bernard asks.

"It would seem that way." Richard smiles.

"Great, Org would have cried like a baby if you had said otherwise. He took a major liking to you." Bernard smiles.

"Me? Why?" Richard asks, surprised.

"Respect. You beat him in a test of strength, and ogers are known for their strength." Bernard answers.

"The big guy is a loyal ally once you gain his respect." Sinder smiles.

"I assume that includes all of us?" Richard asks.

"Bernard bested him, as have I, Sanya... did something... no clue what, and Bianca is just too cute not to like." Sinder waves his hand.

"Six-party members, a ranger, bear, oger, knight, mage, and priestess... That is an odd group, but it also sounds very well balanced." Richard thinks to himself, as he yawns. "Why did you choose the Knight class?"

"Knights get the girls!" Sinder smiles.

"Right! And that is exactly why you are still single!" Bernard says, sarcastically.

"That reminds me, I meet her in a similar way you and Bianca met." Sinder leans forward to Richard.

"Really?!" Richard asks.

"She was taking a wagon back from the Germainian Empire. I was tasked to meet the wagon at the border and escort them the rest of the way, into Frihane. Along the way, she took interest and approached me, asking a lot of questions about me and my adventures. After a few days of travel and many conversations, she decided to join me as a supporter. Many adventures and two years later, we talked about our feelings...." Sinder stops and smiles at the ceiling. "The longest walk was that day I escorted her back to this very town, to put in her request to the order. I still remember the smile on her face when her request got approved, she threw her arms around me and we shared our first real kiss." Sinder looks back at Richard. "We got married, right here, by the church. Mother Superior was... overjoyed."

"I bet she was!" Bernard laughs.

"It was everything I could do not to laugh in her face!" Sinder laughs.

Richard sits silently listening to the story.

Sinder stares at the wall. "We are actually excepting."

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