24 - Going Back To School

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Marinette knocked on the door, and the voices stopped. "Come in," Mr. Damocles called. She pushed the door open slowly with a confused look on her face. "Ah, Marinette, take a seat."

Quickly, Marinette noticed that Adrien looked rather annoyed but was trying to remain a respectful student. "Hey, Mari," Adrien greeted. "Making it through the day?"

Marinette shrugged and sat down in the other chair. "Alya had to address the class I just left," She chuckled. "But other than that, it's been okay. I can't wait for this video to go out, so people just be quiet."

"No one has really talked to me about it; I think they're scared I might cataclysm someone," Adrien sighed. "Like I would? Being cataclysm-ed sucks."

"Which is why I think we need to do an assembly," Mr. Damocles interrupted. "Students should know not to pester you two and to not go crazy over this, especially now that Hawkmoth knows who you are," He suggested.

Adrien groaned. "And I keep telling him no," He directed to Marinette.

"Yeah, it's not a good idea," Marinette shook her head. "My video goes out as soon as school ends today. People will see it, and they will know that it is the only time I'm going to talk about it," She explained. "I don't even want to be talking about it now."

Mr. Damocles tried to keep his cool. "You just said Alya had to address the class; we should do something, so the students aren't constantly thinking about this. Why not?"

"The same reason I have turned down countless interviews for TV, radio, and articles. I won't have control over it. If someone were to record something Adrien or I said, they could edit it to say something that isn't even true. It would only endanger us more," Marinette said, also trying to remain calm as she explained this to Mr. Damocles again. "I edit videos, it's easy to make someone say something they never did. I want to have control over what I release about Ladybug and Chat Noir."

Mr. Damocles blinked. "But-"

Marinette grabbed her bag and stood up. "If you don't mind, I was really enjoying what we were doing in science class today, and I would like to continue learning," Marinette said, staring at Mr. Damocles.

With a sigh, he gave in. "Of course. If you guys need anything or change your mind, let me know," He said. Marinette nodded once and walked out first, letting Adrien gather his things.

Right as the door was shutting, she heard Adrien chuckle and say something under his breath. "You don't fight Ladybug or Marinette."


Marinette and Alya walked out of school together as Alya asked about Marinette's day. As she was explaining the conversation with Mr. Damocles, Marinette felt her phone non-stop buzz. "Oh, the video is out. Can't wait to read the comments," She sighed.

"You don't have to," Alya reminded her. "But, you know I am going to watch it and post about it on the Ladyblog."

"I was counting on it. At least I know you won't trash me for being Ladybug," Marinette said.

Alya hugged Marinette. "Never!" She said. "But I've got to go do some homework and watch your video, and I'll text you later," She waved at Marinette as they split apart.

Marinette started her walk home, trying to avoid everyone she could. Now that she was revealed, all she wanted to do was turn into Ladybug and yo-yo her way home, but she held back. As she was getting lost in thought, she was pulled out by hearing her name called.

Swinging around, she was surprised to see Chloé walking towards her. "Chloé?" Marinette said suspiciously.

"Can we...can we talk? Privately?" Chloé asked, and though she looked confident, her words were definitely not.

"Sure?" Marinette said, but it sounded more like a question. Chloé nodded and led the way to her car. Marinette recognized her butler in the front seat, but it was like he wasn't even there with how quiet he was.

Marinette looked confused as Chloé opened the door for her. "I'll take you home, okay? This way we have a chance to talk, and I'm not holding you back."

Reluctantly, Marinette got in the car. Once Chloé got in as well, they started driving. "I'm honestly kind of shocked," Chloé started. "But I shouldn't be. I was thinking about it, about Pollen and Queen Bee- I've seen your Kwami," Chloé told Marinette.

Her eyes got big. "What?" Marinette said, her heart rate increasing.

"Yeah, it was like your first year of Ladybug. I found a red, bug thing on the road and took it. You told me it was a doll," She explained. "I didn't think about it until I saw the news, and realized that doll was your Kwami," Chloé admitted. "I should have put the pieces together after meeting Pollen, but it didn't even cross my mind."

"Did you want to talk just to tell me you should have realized it?" Marinette said in a quiet voice, getting more and more anxious as she felt her phone continue to get thousands of notifications.

Chloé shook her head. "No, I wanted to ask you...why did you let me continue to be Queen Bee?

Marinette was shocked that Chloé admitted to being mean to her, but was also confused that she finally did only when she found out about Marinette being Ladybug. "I don't know; it seemed to give you something good. You used it to help us fight Hawkmoth, and you were really serious about it all. Besides, once Adrien and I got to be closer friends, you toned it down a little bit. It was a few years back you were mean to me the most," Marinette explained. "I mean, sure there were those few months that you didn't get the Miraculous due to him knowing who you are...but I guess that doesn't matter much anymore."

"Really?" Chloé asked with hopeful eyes.

With a shrug, Marinette thought. "I mean, it won't be all the time. But like normal, when we need you. It all depends on what skill set we need; you know that," Marinette explained.

"Of course," Chloé nodded. She opened her mouth to say something else, but the car stopped in front of Marinette's home.

"Well," Marinette said. "I'll see you around."

"Bye, Marinette."

A Recorded Life - Miraculous LadybugNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ