The One With The Halloween Party

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October 31st

"Why am I hosting Halloween?" Kaycee said as she and the others put up some of the final decorations

"Because you always host Halloween," Josh said

"When it's just us and a few others not for an actual costume party!" Kaycee said

"Yeah, how did this happen? I didn't plan this so who did this?" Tahani asked

"Not me," Sean said "You all know I like my stuff simpler"

"Definitely not me, I still barely know anybody in this city," Bailey said as she did form connections but not close enough to invite to a party

"I didn't care enough," Josh said as he didn't think of forming a party

"..." Julian failed to say anything

"Julian!" Kaycee said

"I'm sorry but I needed an excuse to bring Chloe over," Julian said

"Wait you're finding out if she's lying today?!" Bailey said as everyone understood

"Yes..." Julian said "I'm hoping that the environment will ease her into telling the truth"

"Or scaring her into the truth," Sean said waving the ghost pillow making boo noises

"Yeah and if it was just us six it might be a little weird why she was the only one coming," Julian said "So a party with other people will make her feel easier about coming over"

"But she's your girlfriend wouldn't she come no matter what?" Sean said

"Yeah but then she would be forced to talk to just us which could tip-off all of us trying to find out the truth," Julian said

"Yeah if we become too eager to talk to her she might just leave," Bailey said

"And with other people, all the focus wouldn't be on her" Josh said

"...Fine you pass" Kaycee said as she stopped being upset at party planning "So you have any plans or just going to ask her straight up"

"Just straight-up" Julian said "I will ease her into it of course not just going to bombard her the moment she gets here"

"Makes sense," Josh said

"Let me do it!" Tahani said

"Tahani if this is about what happened back then-" Julian started

"No, it's just if she is telling the truth it would be best not to ruin your relationship with her" Tahani said

"Oh, yeah if Tahani's the one that's suspicious then it'll just be between them but if Julian brings it up then it just causes issues with him and Chloe which would be bad if the baby is actually Julian's," Bailey said

"Trust issues" Josh summed up

"Essentially," Tahani said "So yeah you go and be a good boyfriend I'll get the truth out," Tahani said

"And I guess Kayc and I will just make sure the party goes smoothly," Sean said as Kaycee nodded

"I mean it's still a Halloween party let's all just have fun," Kaycee said

"Yeah so Josh and I will pick up the costumes Sean and Kaycee will get the food Julian and Tahani will stay here and finish the decorations and set up then we'll get this Halloween party started!" Bailey said as everyone agreed to the plan

9 PM

It wasn't a super large party as it still had to be contained in Kaycee and Tahani's apartment but there's was a good 20 people there, the six friends, Chloe, Charlize, a few of Sean's co-workers, some of Julian and Josh's New York friends, and a couple of people each of the girls invited

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