1 - Mamori Anezaki

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The game was over. The Deimon devil bats won, but the price was to high. Sena collapses right were he was, his legs trembling like mad and his knees hurting. I run over to him.
"Sena!", I get some ice packs and help him of the field. When we reach the bench I notice that Hiruma's missing. I heard no guns or evil screaming.
"Sena. I'll be right back!", I say and turn around to search for Hiruma.
I run through the halls of the building, but I couldn't find him. Suddenly I hear a crash. Immediately I follow the sound and end up in one of the locker rooms. Hiruma was sitting on the ground, half leaning against the wall.
"Hiruma?", I ask carefully. The view in front of me was frightening. I never saw him collapse before. He doesn't react. I take a few steps closer and kneel down in front of him.

„Damn manager! Fuck off!", he tried to yell at me, but it's not more than a halfhearted growl. His breathing goes fast and every now and then he coughs. His left hand pressed against his chest.
I grab his helmet and pull it slowly off.
„Leave me alone!", he tries to push me away with his right arm. It's trembling like mad. I easily grab his wrist and win the fight. I look down at the bandages around his arm. The left over from Gaohs attack where he broke his arm only a few weeks ago.
„You idiot.", I whisper.
„Kekeke..", he laughs quietly. „I'm fine, damn manager! Go look after the chibi!"
„You're not fine!", I scream frustrated. „You're hurt and exhausted. There's no need to hide anymore! So shut the fuck up and let me take care of you!"
I look him in the eyes waiting for an answer. He just glares at me before he closes his eyes and nods.
„I'll get ice and bandages. If you move one inch I will blow your head off with one of your damn guns.", I warn him, before I leave.

As fast as possible I get back to the team.
„Mamori-neechan?", Sena calls me. I turn around and smile at him. I'm glad he's somewhat doing okay. A thick bandage is wrapped around his right knee and he's limping, but he's fine. „Have you seen Hiruma-san?"
„Ah.. he already went home! Said something about information he needs to gather!", I lie and smile apologetic.
„Oh, well, ok.", he says sadly.
„I'll go look for him. He's probably in the clubhouse doing research until he falls asleep. Don't worry."
I try to stop Sena from worrying.
„Your right. We're changing and will be going home. Do you come with us?"
„No. I need to get some stuff done, before I go home.", I lie again.

I take the first aid kid and make my way back to Hiruma. It feels wrong to sneak away like that. Slowly I open the door to the locker room.
I sigh when I see him still slumped against the wall.
„Hiruma?", I call him but get no answer. I see his eyes were closed. He was asleep. I set the first aid kid down and take his right arm carefully. Slowly I start to take the used bandages of. His skin is sweaty and warm. I take an ice pack out of the icebox. When it comes in contact with his still slightly bruised skin he flinched and his eyes flutter open. „Cold.."
„Sure, it's an ice pack.", I smile at his dumb comment. He slowly shakes his head while I wrap some bandages around his arm to keep the ice pack in place.
„No.. I'm cold.", he mumbles and I see a shiver run through his body. I notice the amount of sweat covering his body and the slight flush on his cheeks. I lay my hand on his forehead. „You've got a slight temperature."

For some moments we just sit there. I don't know what to do. I've never seen Hiruma so defeated and vulnerable.
„Damn manager.. I need to change. Can't stay here forever!", he says after some time and starts to get up.
„Ah.. uh.. Sure. Do you.. need any.. help?", I ask and feel my cheeks heat up.
„Kekeke!", he laughs before he pushes himself into a standing position. He smiles down at me with his devilish grin.
„Get me out of my uniform and polsters, damn manager.", he commands and sits down on the bench.
My face grows more red but I calm down when I see his smile fading to a pained grimace.
„Sure.", I say without hesitation. He tells me what to do and I try to be as careful as possible. I can tell he's trying to show no pain but a few pained hisses or grimaces he couldn't hide.
When I finally got all the polsters off he was sitting half naked in front of me. When I see the dark bruise on the right side of his ribcage I made a shocked sound.
„So bad?", he asks.
„I've never seen such a bruise.", I whisper in sympathy. I pull my eyes away from his chest and start to undo his shoes.
„Go get my bag! I'll take a shower.", he says and gets up again.
I watch him slowly walk to the showers. „What about.. your pants?", I ask worried.
„I can do that on my own! Damn manager!", he calls back.

Hiruma x MamoriOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant