"WiFi name and pass code." She informs. I programme the details into my phone.

"So, we can drive into town straight after breakfast and head for the zoo if you want, Jamie?" Helen says, sitting down at the table with a coffee cup in hand.

"Sounds great." I say quietly, because all of my messages are flashing up on my phone now that I'm online, and one in particular has caught my eye.

Patrick @ The Middle, 14:35pm: Hope Scotland’s awesome, maybe you’ll get to see that Penguin Parade at the zoo. Have fun. P x

I lock my phone immediately. I will be seeing the Penguin Parade, very soon. But I'm not replying to him.


And oh my god the Penguin Parade is awesome. It started out years ago because one of the zoo keepers forgot to close the gates on the penguin enclosure, so a bunch of the penguins came out and followed him around the zoo a little. When the guy noticed they were following him he just carried on walking the pathways to see if they would continue following him, and they did. And so the Edinburgh Zoo Penguin Parade was born. We're all standing around a small pathway beside the penguin enclosure (Penguin Rock) watching as the penguins waddle past us, following the zoo keepers. It's the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life and I am totally happy right now. I feel like I could cry, actually.

But obviously, I'm not gonna cry. I'm gonna keep my shit together and continue walking around this awesome zoo with my aunt Helen and my cousin Lori, because the parade is almost over.

"We'd be as well heading into Penguin Rock now." Helen comments, so I follow her and Lori through to the enclosure.

It's so cool. A few pools for the penguins to swim in, an indoor space for them to hide out in, and a cafe serving Penguin themed lattes. I feel like I'm in Philly. And as such, I can't stop the unwelcome thoughts creeping into my mind.

Patrick loves penguins, just as much as I do. They were always our favourite animal to go see at the zoo. We would watch them together for ages. Penguins will forever remind me of Patrick.

"You okay!?" Lori exclaims, tossing her blonde hair back and reaching out for my hand as I almost slip and fall over the barrier, headfirst into one of the pools.

"Shit, sorry, yeah I'm good. Thanks." I say, reclaiming my composure.

Helen shakes her head and laughs at my clumsiness before walking off in the direction of the cafe. Lori moves to follow her, but notices I'm probably as white as a ghost right now.

"You sure you're all right?" She asks, eyeing me with concern.

I nod my head frantically.

"Totally. Um, one of my best friends really likes penguins. I'm gonna snap some photos to send him real quick, I'll catch up to you guys."

"Him?" Lori grins at me. "Anyone special?"

"No." I lie. "One of the guys."

That's a half truth right there. He is one of the guys. But he most certainly isn't no one special. And I can't seem to say his name.

"Oh, okay. Jay, Joel or Patrick?" Lori asks me casually. Such a normal question. I should answer her truthfully.


Why am I lying? I guess I really can't say his name.

"Cool. Come find us in the cafe when you're done." Lori instructs before walking off after her mom.

I turn and rest my forearms against the barrier separating me from a group of grasshopper penguins, playfully jumping around over some rocks and pebbles next to their pool. I take a deep breath because I need to, before fully letting the following memory in.

The Middle - Volume Three ✔️Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum