''Good riddance'' Jin claps his hands, and they all turn to you. ''So, Y/N. We've decided to join you. What's the plan?''


All the experimented kids are gathered in a secluded room, the doors guarded by each member of the seven.

This was it.

It was time to formulate the plan and delegate the tasks to each and every person.

''What convinced you to finally join me?'' you ask.

''Taehyung informed us about what's currently going on'' Hoseok speaks up, ''To be honest, I've suspected there was someone behind all of this from the start. We're going to help you track him down''

''He called himself the King, right? If so, who the hell are we serving now?'' Yoongi states conspicuously, ''Everything we're doing is pointless. We're being deceived''

''Took you long enough to find out'' you grin, turning to Jimin and Jungkook who remain silent. ''What about you guys?''

''What they said'' Jimin responds lamely, hands in his pockets.

''Due to my loss of brain cells I'm pretty lost, so I guess I'll follow you'' Jungkook adds, avoiding your gaze. He had recalled the moment he got rejected, and was unsure about how to act around you now.

You flash him a reassuring grin. ''bro, stop being awkward. We're still cool, okay?'' he returns the smile and ruffles your hair, his uncomfortable stance dissipated in an instant.

You turn to the crowd of teenagers, who chatter among themselves lowly. ''AYO LADIES AND GENTLEMAN'' you call at the top of your lungs, beckoning for their attention. The room falls silent, all eyes turning to you.

''As you know, the so called Lord is my mother'' you announce, eliciting a few murmurs of surprisement from the crowd. ''And now they've been possessed by some demonic forces, which we assume there are a whole family of. They've kidnapped you from your families, experimented on you and now expect you to serve them like obedient dogs!''

''How unfair!'' a girl gasps, and a few others retaliate in agreement.

''Right?'' you raise your fist in the air. ''So who's with me to escape this place and defeat them once and for all?''

The crowd erupt into cheers, a cacophony of exuberant and determined ovation resonating around the room. You grin in artistic satisfaction at the scene, but your attention is averted to the door when you hear a knock.

''Who is it?'' Hoseok asks through the door, a muffled voice of a girl answering in response.

Uri walks through the door, eyes widening in surprisement as she sees the huge crowd gathered in bundles. ''What's going on here?''

''You're late. We're discussing the plans for the upcoming revolt'' Namjoon answers for you, beckoning her inside. She looks around dubiously before casually blending into the crowd.

''Firstly, I want a brief overview of what you guys are capable of'' you continue, feeling extremely professional. ''Show me your powers''

In an instant, the crowd of teenagers become a sea of iridescent sparkles, all showcasing their unique qualities. Some were able to shoot ice and make it explode into the air, so it falls down in glittery diamonds. Others could produce water, control wind, or fight with fire just like Mark. It was a beautiful sight.

This will be perfect for your army.

You clap your hands to signal them to stop. ''Tomorrow I will give a signal. When you hear that signal, WE'RE GONNA FUCKING RAID AND DESTROY THIS PLACE. You're all gonna go crazy'' you grin widely, eyes gleaming in feral excitement. ''Don't attack the Lord until I say though. I'll deal with them''

I'll need to get the Satan's out of them first...

The crowd mirror your expression of excitement. ''I'M FIRED UP!'' Mark screams, jumping into the air.

''If you've got any questions, come to me~'' you smile, watching the people in the crowd disperse away to do their own things. Mark, Mina and Lisa make their way towards you, each adorning mixed expressions of trepidation, exhilaration and eagerness. ''Wow, that was great'' Lisa grins, patting your back.

''A born leader'' Jin acknowledges, watching you from afar.

Taehyung, who had been glaring at some kids who were staring at you, scared them off completely. Satisfied, he turns and gazes at you instead.

''oooo'' Jimin intervenes. ''who you staring at?''

''fuck off'' he responds, face scrunching in annoyance as he sees you conversing with Mark. ''Look at the way they're smiling at each other. Disgusting''

Jungkook glances at Taehyung and then at you. A grin of mischief spreads across his face. ''HEY TAEHYUNG QUIT STARING AT Y/N''

Taehyung snaps his head away, a scowl marring his sculpted features when many turn to look at him.

You look too, wiggling your eyebrows as you watch him turn red.

Kai suddenly appears at the door, arm raised as he waves at you. ''Y/N, I'm back!''

''We can see that, fucking dumbass'' Taehyung murmurs.

Good thing he didn't come any sooner...


You had returned to the comfort of your room, tucking yourself into bed after such a long day. You'll need plenty of rest for tomorrow...

The lights in the hallway and room are turned off. Your eyes see nothing but sheer darkness, reflecting the intentions of whoever seemed to run this place.

Your eyes begin to drift close, sleep as instantaneous as it was welcome.


Your eyes lazily roll open in the company of whatever disturbance was disrupting your sleep. You blink, listening carefully.


It was coming from the door.

Now you sit up, grabbing your phone to turn on the flashlight. The bright light stings at your eyes as it slowly adjusts.

And when you flash it towards the slightly ajar door, the most horrifying sight greets you.


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A/N: so- unfortunately I have mock exams coming up in December and my lazy ass hasn't started revising ಠ_ಥ . so I'll be going on a mini hiatus (probably for about 2 or 3 weeks) so my updates will be on hold. i'll try to update if i have time (ง'̀-'́)ง. sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger ahahhaha.

while you wait, vote the fuck outta my chapters ;))

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