Chapter 15

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Freddy’s Pov.

    The night was cool, dark, and suffocating. Despite the openness of Freddyland, the feelings of claustrophobia still seemed to creep up on you. Maybe it was the suit. The metal coffin I had once found to be friendly. Or maybe it was the fact that at night, everything seemed so much closer than on average. During the day, you could see everything. The distance it was, to the open area of the park. But at night, everything seemed so much closer.

    Maybe that's why I always followed him. Maybe he felt the same way. His yellow eye seemed to light the way. Wherever we were going. “Do you ever feel...trapped?” his voice seemed to waver as he spoke. Something very uncommon for the pitch black bear. “All the time.” For some reason, I was always honest with Lefty. Like with him, the filter in my mind was nonexistent. 

    Lefty sighed, moving in a seemingly random direction. “I wonder if that's how Bryan feels.” His gears seemed to groan as he plopped down on the wooden park bench. Mine seemed to groan louder as I sat next to him. “Explain.” I didn't mean it to sound as harsh as it did. Lefty’s gaze turned towards were the hotel would be. “Well, before he met us, he seemed happy. But since he met us, it seems like smile is slowly fading.”

    It was honestly scarey on how obersivent Lefty was. “And now with Ballora and Michael telling him he's their dead family member, lets just say if I was him, I’d feel trapped.” I couldn't stand the sad look on his metal face. “Ya, well I think if Bryan just accepted that he was their son, then he’d feel less trapped.” The bench underneath us seemed to groan under our weight. “But how can you believe something if you don't remember it ever being true?”

    That was a good question. When I first woke up as Freddy, I remembered everything. The family I once had, what I used to look like, to the man who had brutally murdered me. But Bryan, he didn't remember anything. Only the fact that he had been in an accident. And waking up alone, with no family to comfort the poor kid. At Least with me, I had Chica, Bonnie and Foxy there with me. I wasn't alone. Bryan was.

    Suddenly a loud boom came from the heavens. “Huh.” Lefty mused looking up. “My weather app didn't say anything about rain.” I shook my metal head, standing up. The bench seemed to be permanently indented now. “Come on. Let's get the others so we can get to safety.” All he did was nod, just as a streak of lightning lit up the sky. Little raindrops began to mix in with my stained fur.


Bryan’s Pov.

    It was so dark. The only light coming from the small flashlight it held tightly. “Momma?” I cried scanning my too big room. “Daddy?” Green eyes stared at me threw my open closet. No matter how many times I closed it, it would always open again. “Lizzy!” Something was slithering out from underneath the bed. I held Fredbear tight in my arms, his usually soft fur like sandpaper on my skin. 

    I flickered the dim light of the flashlight at the end of my bed. The nightmare retreating fast. “Michael please!” Large heavy footsteps began to make their way towards my door. A feeling of dread coursed through my body. That definitely wasn't Michael. Carefully, I scooted off the end of my bed, making my way towards the door. The door squeaked as I peeked out, my flashlight shining somehow threw the dark hall.

    White eyes met mine, making me scream. The rabbit’s teeth seemed to curl into a menacing smile. “Hello little booooooyyyy.” Quickly I turned off the flashlight and slammed my door shut. I scrambled back onto my bed, only to be met with a giant golden head. It was at that moment that I realized Fredbear was no longer in my arms. Its teeth were red with blood, its eyes a pitch black. But the worst thing was the way it was somehow coming closer.


Bryan’s Pov.

    I bolted upright, my chest heaving with every gasp of air. Thunder boomed outside, shaking my hotel room. I couldn't help the whimper that escaped my throat. I never liked storms. They were so loud. So scary. I felt around for the golden plush. “Fredbear? Oh no…” I threw off my blanket just as a flash of lightning lit up the pitch black room. I froze as my eyes scanned the room. I wasn't alone. 

    A giant bear glared down at me. As another flash lit the room, I was vaguely aware of its sharp, spike like teeth. I felt my breathing pick up. The nightmare was still fresh in my mind. Even worse, unlike my nightmare, I couldn't move. I couldn’t get up. The figure moved closer. Only stopping when I let out a choked sob. “Bryan?” I covered my ears, trying to block out its scratchy voice. It began to move again. And I screamed.

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