Chapter 2

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Freddy's Pov.

We all watched the humans take Bryan away. His form was mangled, broken. I wouldn't be surprised if he passed out before he hit the ground. Well I guess he wouldn't have screamed if he had been. The pain he must of been feeling...the fact that he was still alive and didn't die on impact was a miracle. As soon as we saw the last human leave, the security puppet gave us single so we could move again.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" Foxy screamed, marching over to the small A.I. animatronic bear. The said bear shrunk away, hiding behind Happy Frog. "Look, I never meant for this to h-happen!" A look of pure terror and guilt crossed her face. "I-I didn't think he would f-follow me!" The pirate fox glared daggers at Helpy. "You promised him you wouldn't do that again!" You could almost see him shake with anger.

I suddenly saw a flash of black and red out of the corner of my eye. "Lefty?" I called behind me. "That you?" A strained whine came from the black bear. I turned around to see his face scrunched in a combination of worry and sadness. Something I never wanted to see on such a joyful animatronic. His eyes glittered, yet I knew that they weren't tears. That didn't make me feel pity for him any less.

I looked back over my shoulder to make sure no one was watching. Foxy glared at the others, who were distracted by the blood that had been left by Bryan. Quickly I opened my arms ever so slightly. I glanced at Lefty, before looking away. 'This is so stupid.' I thought to myself. 'Why am I the one comforting him? I'm the last person who...' My mind shut down as warm black fur flooded my vision.

His arms wrapped tight around my center. So tight, it was as if he were afraid. Afraid that if he let go, everything would disappear. "I-I saw what happened." He muttered into my suits fur. "While I understand why he did it, I don't think we should blame Helpy." Awkwardly, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. I was not made to give comfort. Especially not after I basically told Lefty he was disposable.

"We all know she would have done it again. She doesn't obey orders. But thanks to that, she got Bryan hurt." I mumbled, trying to keep my voice low. A small humming noise vibrates my chest. It was weird. Even though I was made of metal, I could still feel. "Ya but Bryan knew too. It was his choice to go up there. He could have let it play out like last time. He knew the dangers of going up there." Lefty sniffed. "At least I hoped he did."


Bryan's Pov.

Something wasn't right. That much I knew. I couldn't open my eyes, I couldn't move my body. All I could do was float in what seemed to be a black inky void. "Old head injury.....reopen......have any family?" A voice called within the darkness. It seemed so close yet so far away. I tried to move my neck, my eyes, my something! But it was as if I were in concrete. One that was drying the longer I was here.

"Repostion.....dead? Adopted parents?" I tried to focus in on the voice. To hear what they were trying to say. But every other word was cut off, making my mind spin. "Needle please...get the defibrillator......." The voice was becoming more and more distant. I could feel myself falling farther into the darkness. "CLEAR!" Suddenly the voice was louder, making my ears ache. The last thing I remember was the sound of a steady beep, before falling into the inky void.


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