Chapter 7

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Michael's Pov.

I paced the floor of the security office, sweat running down my purple skin. "Where is he?" I shouted. "Jon said he's be back by now! Why isn't he back?!" Davis had his head in his hands, most likely trying to tune out my constant movement. "Why do you even care?" Davis growled, suddenly looking up at me. "Have you even talked to Bryan before? Why are you stressing out about this?"

I couldn't stop. It was like my legs were moving on their own. I wanted to sit down. To just relax. But something told me to keep moving. Keep moving or something bad would happen. "I don't know! I-I just have a bad feeling is all!" Davis stood up, watching me for another second before blocking my path. His tan arms immobilizing my moment. "Michael. Look at me. Why do you care about Bryan so much?"

My mouth opened, but I couldn't find the words. "For days you've been stressing about a guy you don't even know!" I looked at the blank abyss with eyes that could only be described as desperate. "I don't know!" I yelled. "I just...I don't know! I know him! Somehow I know him!" I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. Something that hasn't happened since......since I killed my baby brother. "I don't understand it! I just know!"

Davis sighed, looking to the side. "Then how about you go see him." Despite him having no face, I could see all emotions he was feeling. "Stop making me sick, and go talk to this man." I felt myself begin to shake. Slowly I began to nod. "Ok." A single tear fell. The world was becoming blurry. "Ok. I'll go see him."


'This was a mistake.' I thought as I stood near my purple cadillac. 'I shouldn't have come.' The hospital building was looming over me like an old cemetery grave. Old memories suffocating me. Dragging me back to the worst time of my life. 'But you told Davis you'd do it.' My legs shook with every step. My mind was turning to mush. Everything. Everything, that I so wanted to forget, was now resurfacing.

'Why am I doing this?' I thought as I crossed the never ending parking lot. Keep going. I suddenly stopped. My head whipped in every direction. 'I could have sworn I heard..' Keep walking. He's in there. You need to see him. He's waiting for you. My feet began to move automatically. It was as if someone else was controlling my body. The cold metal of the door felt like fire under my skin. You need to help him.

As I walked up to the front desk, I felt as if I were in a dream. Or maybe Enard was using me as a human flesh suit again. "Hi can you tell me which room Bryan Films is staying in?" If I could, I would have cringed at how monotone my voice sounded. The lady who sat behind the computer looked quickly. When her mouth dropped open, I knew she had to do a double take. "Oh my gosh!Uh...y-yes room 233." When I turned to leave, I could feel her stare on the back of my neck. 'Guess they've never seen a purple people.'

Many more stared. I almost wasn't aware of where I was headed. It has been so long since I had been around a large group of people. It was almost offending to have them stop and stare. Ignore them. Just keep your eyes forward. He's about to wake up. The voice sent chills down my spine. Yet, for some reason, I did as it said. I felt like a robot to this mysterious, unnerving entity.

Suddenly I stopped. My whole body facing a solid oak door. He's sitting up. Open the door Michael. You need to help him! Everything happened so fast. The door creaked open, my body allowing itself in, and the ever so present anxiety coming in at full speed. His brown eyes met my yellow ones. Confusion and fear evident on his features. "Michael?" His voice was so horse. "What are you doing here?"

"Uh...hey Bryan..." 'Gosh why am I so awkward?'

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