Chapter 13

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Michael's Pov.

You ever get that urge to just wander? Like you just need to get away, but you don't know where to? So you just close your eyes and book it? In a sense that is my current situation. I was supposed to be visiting my mom and sister. Yet here I was. Wandering aimlessly through the Freddy Fazebear hotel. My mind as blank as the white walls that surrounded me. My mind not even registering were I was going.

The place was dead silent. No one daring to come in after the circus tent fiasco. But in all honesty, what was I expecting? For twenty years to just be suddenly forgotten and fixed? We could have gone about that in so many different ways. But instead we rushed him. Overwhelmed him. Tried to make the poor man believe in a history that, in his mind, did not exist. That's something you can't fix overnight.

For some reason, I had the bear. The same bear that I had thought was finally lost to history. Chirs's bear. The only real thing left of my brother. Despite him being alive. It was like I was looking in a mirror. Everything was the same, but Chris was still dead. I still murdered him, and my family was still split apart. Yet that mirror didn't exist. And this was my reality now. Cruel isn't it?

A small noise suddenly ripped me out of my thoughts. My whole body stopped. A white door filling my vision. "Pl-please...." the single word sent shivers up my spine. "Why c-cant it all be normal again?" Something rose in me. Intensified. A feeling so strong, my hand dented the gold handle of the door. Call it instinct, protectiveness, or whatever. All I know is that someone was crying. Hurting. And they needed help.

The door flew open so hard, Im sure if there had been shelves, things would fly off of them. And there it was. Or more so there HE was. Bryan stared at me with large frightened eyes. His bandages falling off his, now scaring, head. On the floor. Cocooned in a thick layer of blankets. I took a step forward, only to halt at the man's hard, unforgiving flinch. "M-Michael." His voice wavered with every word. "W-what are you doing here?"

Slowly, I raised my hands in surrender. "I heard you crying and wanted to make sure you were ok." Once again, I took a step forward. This time Bryan seemed to be too distracted to notice my movements. He turned his head, hiding the red, angry scar from my view. "And why do you care?" The question hit me like a ton of bricks. The longer nothing was being said, the more the question seemed to sting. I lowered my hands, turning them into fists.

"Because whether you like it or not, your my baby brother!" I felt heat rising to my face. "And whether you like it or not, I care about you!" Silence seemed to fill the room. My breathing was coming out shorter than usual. It wasn't until I caught it, did I realize that Bryan's form was shaking. "Your not my brother." His eyes were icy and cold. "THE JOKES OVER! SO JUST GO HOME AND LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Tears began to fall down his already red cheeks. If my heart hasn't already been broken, then it surely would have been shattered. "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST ACCEPT THAT SOMEONE ACTUALLY CARES?!" My voice seemed to echo more than the bad business owners had. "WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT WE ALL LOVE YOU?! THAT MOM AND IZZY ARE DOWN STAIRS? WORRIED ABOUT YOU?!" I don't even know why I was yelling at this point. But it felt good. Good to let it all out.

"Do you even know how much we mourned you?! How every night for thirteen years I'd wake up from the memory of killing you?!" Tears began to trail down my purpled skin. "Why can't you just give us a chance to make things right? To live a good life without a crazy murderer?" Bryan kept his gaze to the floor. His expression unreadable. His shaking body seemed to intensify by tenfold.

"Get out." I don't know if it's the way he said it, or the fact that even when he whispered, the words echoed. "W-what?" His gaze snapped up, a cold, unforgiving glare crossing the usual joyous face. "I SAID GET OUT! GET OUT! LEAVE ME ALONE! I DON'T HAVE A FAMILY, I DON'T HAVE A BROTHER, AND NO ONE CARES!" His scar seemed to darken with every word. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOTEL!"


Bryan's Pov.

His brown eyes glared hatefully into mine. He was using his height to his advantage. "Michael please!" I cried, trying to jump up and retrieve the toy daddy made for me. "Why?" MIchael growled, holding the toy higher. "So you can whine again? So you can play with dolls?" He held Fredbear over his head, a snarl on his face. "Your five years old! Stop being a little girl! Your too old for dolls!"

I felt tears running down my face. My breathing was picking up. My chest was tightening. A loud gasping noise came from my lungs. "C-chris?" I don't remember dropping down on my knees, more grasping my shirt as I desperately tried to bring in air. "H-hey you gotta calm down ok?" I was vaguely aware of Michael kneeling next to me. His face full of worry. "You gotta breath for me ok?"

Something soft was pushed into my arms. Michael forced my head up to look at him. "Just focus on Fredbear ok? Can you do that for me?" I grasped the golden plush tightly, nodding vigorously. "Good. Can you breath with me? Come on. In one, out one." We continued the process for what seemed like ages. Micheal in front of me, Fredbear close to my slowing chest. I looked up at my big brother with tired eyes. Before passing out in his arms.

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