Chapter 8

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Bryan's Pov.

His yellow eyes pierced into my soul. It was as if he was studying my entire body, without actually seeing me. "Hey Bryan...." He fidgeted in the doorway, his hands finding their way into his pants pockets. In all honesty, the sight brought a nostalgic feeling. But I don't know why. "See!" Fredbear screamed in my arms. "I told you he'd come!" Michael took a step forward, quickly taking his eyes away from mine.

"So...." He said pulling up a chair next to my bed. "I know we don't really know each other, and this is super weird and even more awkward ...but..." A purple tinted hand made its way into his darker purple locks. "Are you ok?" I couldn't help my gasp. The scared look on his face looked so familiar. I swear I've seen that face before. I turned my gaze away, staring out the window. "Why? Did Jon send you?"

His face turned from scared to shocked. As if I just told him one of his dead family members were suddenly alive. "What? No! I thought he came by earlier! He said he was going to visit you and come tell us about how you are!" I couldn't help the distaste for the Ceo show. "Ya well he didn't. So if he didnt send you, why are you here?" Fredbear shifted under my arm. "Don't be so mean to him! He can help you!"

Michael sat back in his seat, arms folded over his chest. "Look. I don't know why I'm here in all honesty. For some reason, I've been worried ever since our Reddy animatonic told us you were in the hospital." His voice seemed to waver slightly as he spoke. Finally I looked at him again. "But why? You only meet me once. Why are you worried for a complete stranger?" And cew the awkward silence. "Good job. You lost him"

Finally after what seemed like forever, Michael cleared his throat. "So where'd you get the toy? Your parents bring it in or something?" And boom. More awkward silence. Say something stupid! "Uh no. I don't have parents. The toy just kinda showed up." Suddenly all of the purple night guards attention was on me. "What do you mean you don't have parents? And it just showed up? No one left a note or anything?" I couldn't help but flinch at his growing volume. I never liked loud noises.

"Look. My parents died. At least that's what the doctors told me when I came out of my coma. So they put me in foster care. No one wanted me. So I was never adopted. And no. The toy just appeared on the edge of my bed when I woke up a day ago." Michael stood up so fast, the chair fell down behind him. I tried to read his facial expressions, but his hat shaded his face. "W-what is your last name again?"

His whole body started to shake. Sweat began to fall down his face. Most likely because of how tightly he was clenching his fists. "The name I gave myself? Films. Before that? I have no idea. Along with my parents, their names died with them." I let out a somewhat forced yawn. "Look. I'm not looking for pity. If you really are concerned, I have a broken leg, seven broken ribs, my old wound reopened, and scraped up face." I began to sink down. "I'm sorry you were worried for a stranger."


Michael's Pov.

My heart pounded as I threw more and more items around the room. "Where is it?!" I screamed. My room was a mess. Everything was in complete disarray. "COME ON DAMIT! WHERE'S THE DAMN BEAR?!" I could feel myself tumbling. Farther into a panic attack. But at the moment, I didn't care. The last item I had of my baby brother was gone! "DAMIT FREDBEAR! WHERE ARE YOU!?"

I was beginning to shake. This wasn't right. This can't be right! The only Fredbear ever made was my brothers! Which I had! "My parents died. At least that's what the doctors told me." I threw open my clothes drawer, immediately throwing everything out. If the plush was there, his yellow fur would have been easy to spot amongst the different shades of purple. And yet, nothing. "COME ON!"

This couldn't be happening. I couldn't have lost it! Stop stressing out. Im fine. I tried to shake the voice. The same voice that had once taken over my body. Just calm down. You know where I am."The name I gave myself? Films. Before that? I have no idea." I threw my dresser across the room. Panic was all I could feel. I could still feel his brown eyes staring into my eyes. "I know him. For fucks sake! How do I know him?!"

My legs gave out. My head hit the pile of purple with a hard thud. "Along with my parents, their names died with them." My breathing had turned into hyperventilation. My vision was becoming blurry. Despite me still wearing my glasses. "Where are you Fredbear?" Darkness was closing in. "The toy just appeared on the edge of my bed when I woke up a day ago." My mind was beginning to real. The world was closing in. The last thing I heard though, made my blood run cold. "Chris is alive."

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