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Chapter 35: Say goodbye to awkwardness

|Sanha's POV|

We were on our way back home, walking along the streets of Seoul. The sky was dark, with stars glimmering across it. And the only thing that lighted our way were the lampposts.

No matter how much I tried to distract myself, my eyes would always land back to the smiling Yura and Bin hyung. I kept on wondering, are they really that eye-catching?

I was disappointed that I wasted my opportunity to spend some time with her this morning and, what bugged me the most is, I cannot talk to her the way I can, before. The closeness they have now, is what I have with her too. Or maybe, we're closer than I think.

My hands were stuffed inside my jacket as I continued to watch them ㅡ continued to watch him tease her.

Unknowingly, I let out a scoff. I'm way better than him, especially when it comes to jokes and stuff.

But right now, thinking that Yura might be uncomfortable around me for no reason, or maybe I don't know the reason, saddens me.

Frustrated, I sighed and ran my fingers to my hair. What did I do?

"Hey Sanha.." A voice broke me out of my thoughts.

I turned my head and raised my eyebrows in question. "Yeah?" I replied.

"You okay? You've actually been sighing a few times now. Is something bothering you?" Sua asked before giving me a tap on the shoulder.

I forced a smile. "Yeah, I'm okay. No need to worry."

She scoffed and looked away with her arms crossed. "You really are such a bad liar."

"I'm not lying!" I denied.

"Yeah, you aren't lying because you aren't admitting the truth."

I sighed and looked up.

Yeah.. you are right.

• • •

Upon arriving to the dorm, I immediately headed to my room with a frown on my face. "This friendship isn't going to be over, isn't it?" I asked myself.

I flopped to my bed and laid down. After letting out a sigh, I grabbed my phone from my pocket and turned it on. "The smile on her face looks so pretty." I said to myself as I stated at her picture ㅡ which was my lock screen wallpaper.

I placed it down beside me before I gave out another sigh. Frustrated and confused of what to do, I rolled on my bed, here and there. I could not stay still.

He's taking too long to send her in.


It's making me feel uneasy.

Not long after, the door opened.

I immediately got up and averted my eyes to the one who entered the room ㅡ Bin hyung. Finally.

He was wearing a smile on his face as he continued to walk towards his bed.

After putting down his backpack, he flopped on his bed, still wearing the smile on his face.

What happened?

THE DARE ▶ Yoon SanhaΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα