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Chapter 34 : Someone's being fishy

|Sanha's POV|

Here we are now, walking to school. But the thing is, I already feel uneasy on an early morning. 

Just.. why!? 

I was walking with Sua, with Yura and Bin hyung ahead of us, smiling and laughing about something. Maybe they're having a random talk, or they're getting to know more about each other or.. Gosh! Why can't I stop on wondering? It's not that big of a deal.

Maybe I'm a little uneasy because I somehow built such awkwardness between the two of us. I don't know why, how or when, but I wanted to get rid of it. I wanted to bring back the usual us. I could even feel the awkward silence between us whenever we're alone. That's why I am totally confused about Bin hyung's closeness to Yura. 

I mean... how?

I had my eyes still glued to the two of them as I watched her smile, because of him.

I smirked at the thought. Hey, I'm much more of a joker than Bin hyung.

My train of thought came to an end when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Surprised, I flinched with my eyes widened.

"O-Oh.. Sua.." I trailed off, before running my right hand against my nape.

"Are you okay? You've been zoning out a couple of minutes now." She asked.

Caught off guard, I immediately averted my eyes away from her. "I uhh.. was thinking about.. our.. soon projects! And uhh.. t-that's it!"

Shoot! I stuttered!

She plastered a questioning look on her face and asked, "Are you that nervous to answer my simple question?"

"N-No! I'm fine! S-Sorry, gotta go ahead now. I need to do something important." I lied, before I immediately ran past Yura and Bin hyung.

"Hey Sanha! Where are you going?" I heard him ask.

"School of course! I just need to do something." I yelled out, not wanting to face Yura.

As soon as I stepped inside the campus, I came across a smiling Areum.

Oh man.

"Hey Sanha oppa~" She sang out, twirling her hair with her finger and batting her fake eyelashes on me.

"Oh, hey. What's up?"

She took a step closer to me and tiptoed. Surprised, I quickly leaned backwards. "What are you doing?" I asked.

She gave out a weird smile and said, "I noticed that Yura's been pretty close to Bin oppa lately." She started.

"Uh-huh? Then what about it?"

I was wide-eyed when she touched my shoulder. "Why don't we hang out, while she hangs out with him?"


Good thing I held my reaction back because I didn't want to embarrass her. I almost gagged.

"Why?" Was all I managed to say.

"You know, to be fair. Like.. couples."

I scrunched my brows. "Yura and Bin hyung aren't a couple. They're just friends."

"They'll soon be."

"No." I replied, curling my fists up.

"They will be."

"No, I said no."

"What if they will?"

"Why are you like this!?" I unknowingly yelled out.

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