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Chapter 7 : Will you be my..

|Sanha's POV|

As Yura and I got back to our own dorms, I was unknowingly smiling like an idiot when I flopped to the couch.

"It looks like someone woke up on the right side of the bed. What's up Sanha?" Minhyuk hyung asked, sending me a teasing smirk as he nibbled his chips.

"It's nothing. Not a big deal." I responded while shrugging my shoulders and took a bite of my ice cream.

"Oh right. How was our idea? Did you do it? How did it go?" He bombarded me with questions as he scooted over to me, sending me a curious look.

"Uh-huh." I simply replied without looking at him as I glued my eyes to the TV.

"Did you have lunch with her yesterday?"


"Did you walk her home?"


"Treat her something?"


"Hey, guys! Sanha's pretty good at this! The dare was perfect!" He exclaimed as the four of them slowly appeared to the living room.

Bin hyung then sat beside me and hung his arm around my shoulders. "How's she?" He asked, a slight smirk on the corner of his lips.

I turned to him and smiled. "She's not so bad, you know. At first, yes, she was pretty cold, ignored me too much, and she's super mean. But, as I continued to talk to her her, follow her and some hangout, she's great to be with too."

Shock was plastered on their faces with their mouths agape. "What?" I asked between chuckles while shrugging my shoulders.

"Dude. You didn't.. right?" Eunwoo hyung asked as his pupils we're still wide.

"I didn't what?" I asked in confusion with my eyebrows scrunched.

"You didn't do the 'shouldn't' right?" Jinjin hyung asked, plastering the same expression as Eunwoo hyung.

"Huh? What in the world are you talking about?" I whined, completely out of their 'who knows' topic.

"You moron. You haven't fell for her, right?" MJ hyung asked as he flicked my forehead causing me to wince in pain.

"You idiots! I just told you that she's not that bad! And that doesn't mean I fell for her!" I yelled, rubbing my aching forehead, only to receive a smack on my head.

"We're not deaf, beagle. You can't just yell that we're idiots. Yes, we may be idiots but show some respect to your hyungs." Bin hyung stated as the others laughed.

I pouted childishly in reply. "S-Sorry. It just came out of my mouth without warning."

"I was having a celebration already. I thought that my lunch for a month would be free." MJ hyung dramatically frowned as I chuckled in reply.

"At least, Sanha's making progress." Eunwoo hyung said as the others nodded in reply.

"Okay. If you'll be looking for me, I'll be at my room. Bye." After giving them a quick wave, I headed to my bedroom, in which Bin hyung's room too. Yup, we are roommates.

I threw myself into my bed and stretched my arms and legs. I furrowed my eyebrows as I remembered what happened earlier.


8:30 am in the morning

"Yah! Waittt! Aish! How could she be so fast?" While giggling to myself, I ran back to the building and searched for Yura. As I passed by the bus stop, I accidentally bumped an old woman.

THE DARE ▶ Yoon SanhaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant