Part 7.

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Hardins POV.

"Hardin man, you alright?"

"Mark shut the fuck up, before I vomit on your floor" I moan back to him.

"Scott, no more fighting at our house okay?" He rubs the back of his neck. "We can't have cops knocking at the doors, when we know we got fucking drugs here man" he's panicking

"Okay, shit my bad" fuck there's a party here almost every night. I don't know why I punched the guy in the face, he saw my phone light up and saw my screen saver, he said something about her like she was fucking hot or something and I just lost it.

I can't believe it's been two months, I've barely survived the two months without her. fuck I miss Tessa I'm gonna call her, maybe she'll forgive me and let me go home back to the apartment. If she's even at the apartment

Pulling out my phone, I press her number.
"The call you are trying to make..."
What the fuck she changed her number.

My girl is so stubborn, fine I'll call the next best person Landon!

His phone just rings and rings, I press his number 10 times before I give up, I'll call that asshole back in 10 minutes. He won't avoid me forever.

Never mind I don't have to wait since he's calling me back right now.

"Hardin, why are you calling me?"he sounds annoyed

"Tessa obviously, I want to talk to Tessa!" I slur. is he dumb? Why else would I call him.

"Hardin! don't call me drunk again" he hangs up.

Fucking little punk, I call him right back.

"What Hardin, I'm busy!" Landon screams down the phone.

"Tessa changed her number, give me her number?"

"I don't have it" he says "leave her alone Hardin, she's moving on, you need to let her go."

"What the fuck, she wouldn't move on from me!" I yell "she always takes me back and always forgives me, she's waiting for me you dick!"

"Piss off Hardin, I mean it. Leave her the heck alone, you don't deserve her anyway" he hangs up again.

I know I don't deserve her, but she's mine.

Zeds POV.

Tessa is so beautiful, her rumbling about everything makes me happy, unbelievably happy. I hope she'll let me show her how happy I can make her one day. I know she's not ready to move on but I'm still waiting for that day. I wonder what Hardin did to her, that made her move across country, I haven't asked yet. I know she won't tell me anyway.

"Tess, do you think you can stay with me at my hotel? We can watch movies and order room service?" I ask

"Oh yeah, that will be cool. Can we stop at my place I'll grab some clothes?" She says back

Our Uber pulls up outside her apartment building, she jumps out and leads the way.

"This is it" she gestures for me to come in

"It's nice, it's different seeing it in person then on my small phone screen." We both laugh.

After she packs up a small bag. we head to my hotel.

Landon's POV.

"Fuck off Hardin, I mean it. Leave her the heck alone, you don't deserve her" I shout at him through the phone and hang up.

Thank goodness it's only be and posey closing up today.

"Everything ok?" Posey asks

"Yeah, fine. Just my idiot step brother." I say waving my phone.

"Family drama, I know all about that" she chuckles

I sigh, it's been two months he hasn't even tried to contact her and now all of a sudden he needs her, he has some nerve. I hope he doesn't come here not for a while, shit especially cause she's with Zed. I hope he's not in America or Washington. I better call my mom and Ken.

"Hi darling, I miss you!"

"Hey mum, how are you? How's the baby?"

"Great, we're great honey. What's wrong? You sound off?" My mum has always been on of my best friends

"Hardin called me, trying to track down Tessa." I sigh loud

"I know, he just got off the phone from Ken, telling him he's coming back to Pullman tomorrow."

"Mum, you both can't tell him where she is, Tessa is finally moving on, she doesn't need him showing up giving her fake promises."

"Darling, I don't what to do but I'll speak with ken"
She sounds to be agreeing with me.

"Ok mom, you have a good night. Love you"
I hang up.

Dammit! He's gonna come here to Brooklyn if they tell him. After I close up grind, I head home to let Tessa know Hardin's coming back to America.

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