Part 35.

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Hardin took the week off work and booked himself into a hotel and came over every day, Zed went to work and didn't even show a jealous bone in his body which made me feel so much more at ease. I know for sure if the roles were reversed and I was with Hardin oh boy, he would of taken the week off work so I couldn't be alone with Zed. He was so possessive over me back then, god it makes me laugh thinking about it now.

We decided that today is the day we will tell Emery that Hardin is her actual daddy. She's really smart for her age so I hope she understands.

I hear Hardin knocking at the door, I quickly open it and find Hardin with two coffees in hand and bagels. Yum! His daily routine treat he started for both of us each morning.

"Good morning beautiful" he says just like every other morning.

"Morning, Emery didn't sleep well last night so she's having a nap now" I whisper at him

"Okay" he smiles and whispers back

We walk to my kitchen island and pull out our stools to sit on and enjoy our brunch in silence.

"So, hows the hubby?" He asks not in the tiniest bit genuine

"He's fine Hardin, he's at work" I roll my eyes

"He must really trust you Huh? I'm surprised he trusts me" he laughs

"Stop that"

"You think he would of thought about the situation with Noah"

"Hardin! stop" I say firmly

"it's just a joke, well it's not really a joke baby, you've read my book. You know my feelings won't ever change"

"Stop, don't ruin this good thing we have for emery"

"We could have an even better thing if we were a family" he turns to me. "Leave him Tess, I'm different now I won't leave you or her ever I promise! I've always loved you so fucking much, just leave him Tess! I know you love me too, you just settled for him"

I look at him and quickly stand to my feet "woah! Stop Hardin I'm married, I can't and I won't hurt Zed, I love him" I say I start backing away when he jumps to his feet

"You love me too, I know you better then he does and you still love me, you love me more than him. I see it in your eyes, I can practically hear her heartbeat from here" he walks closer

"Hardin I said stop, I don't want to do this" I say

Luckily we're interrupted by Emery's little feet steps so we turn our heads to face her and she's walking to us with her blanket in her little hands "Hi Daddy Hardin" she says when she walks into the kitchen

We both are taken aback when we hear her say daddy.

"You're my other daddy, Smith said when Aunty Kimmy was here" she says walking to Hardin for a cuddle. He picks her up in his arms and she rests her head on his shoulder.

"Smith Huh? So Kim knew? Oh let me guess she told Christian that's why he gave you such a good job?"

"Hardin" I warn him, I don't want to hear anything hurtful come out of his mouth.

"It's just a question Tess, since you know... my family knew but didn't feel the need to tell me"

"I asked them not too" I defend them

"Landon is that one that kills me, we became best friends and he hid this, we spoke on the phone all the time and he hid this" he shakes his head.

"Let's just let this go, Emery wants to go to the park today so do you want to join us?" I ask

"Yeah, lets go"

I grab my purse and Emery's prepared bag and chuck a picnic blanket in and we head off.

We spent the remainder of the day at Central Park and Emery loved every moment with Hardin, he had her on his shoulders walking through the park which made me have a little anxiety, we got stopped a few times as people complimented 'how cute our little family is' I didn't have the guts to correct anyone so I just thanked them.

We get back to my apartment and Zeds sitting on the couch and he looks sick

"Hey babe, you alright?" I say as we walk inside

"Hi, fine" he says rudely. I can tell there's something wrong with him but I don't want to push it in front of Hardin, the last thing I need is Hardin to get involved.

"Where have you been?" He asks ignoring Hardin's presence

"Daddy we were at the park" Emery says and jumps on to his lap.

His mood softens and he gives her a big cuddle and they have a quick chat about her day.

Hardin follows me into the kitchen and asks me if everything is okay with Zed and I.

"Yeah we're fine of course" I fill me a glass of water

"Okay, well look I'm going back to Chicago tomorrow morning so I can give my notice in and I'm going to transfer here to New York and publish with Vance, I already spoke with Christian. I'm going to find an apartment here and I was hoping Emery can start staying over at my place but give me a couple weeks to sort everything out" I nod, that was a lot of information from him at one moment

"Thanks for everything Hardin, I mean it. thanks for stepping up" I give him a quick hug.

"Okay, well I'm going to head out. I'll FaceTime you so I can talk to Emery when I have some spare time, please answer" he asks then leaves the kitchen and says bye to Emery giving her a big hug. Ignoring Zed he walks out the front door.

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